FWO: Bilateral research cooperation Vietnam


Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


The Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO) and NAFOSTED (Vietnam) are delighted to announce the launch of a new call for joint Flanders-Vietnam research projects in fundamental research in all domains. 
These projects go further than the traditional mobility projects, because personnel and consumables can also be financed. 


  • Joint research project with partners from Vietnam. It must be an integrated research proposal with a central research question, methodology and implementation.
  • Period: maximum 3 years
  • FWO personnel and consumables: minimally € 45,000 and maximally €75,000 per year per project
  • FWO equipment: maximally € 150.000 per project
  • FWO deadline: September, 20th 2022 (5pm local time)
  • NAFOSTED deadline: September, 20th 2022 (5pm local time)
  • Announcement results: March/April 2023
  • Project start: May/June 2023


Your research will be carried out at an eligible Flemish main host institution, possibly in collaboration with other Flemish and/or federal research institutions (Article 7) and under the supervision of a supervisor-spokesperson, possible in collaboration with other (co-)supervisor(s).
A supervisor-spokesperson needs to hold at least one of these:
- a ZAP appointment of minimum 50%;
- a ZAP appointment of minimum 10% AND an appointment at a Flemish academic hospital, or Flemish hospital with an academic character of at least 60%;
- an appointment as a research director of the Research Foundation - Flanders
- an ERC Grant
- an Odysseus II grant

A co-supervisor needs must have at least the postdoctoral level and hold a remunerated appointment at (amongst others) a Flemish university.
In the framework of this call with NAFOSTED, you can only act once as a supervisor(-spokesperson) or co-supervisor.
No remuneration or accumulation with a remuneration is allowed for (co-)supervisor(s)(-spokesperson) under a research project funded by FWO.


An integrated project proposals must be submitted simultaneously at FWO and at NAFOSTED. Deadline for submission is 20th of September 2022 (5 pm local time). Projects will start in May/June 2023.


Applications in the framework of this cooperation are not part of the regular project competition for FWO and as a result:
  • do not count for the maximum of two projects per application round for which you may act as (co-)supervisor(-spokesperson);
  • are not taken into account for the maximum of two projects applied for and ongoing on the start date of the newly allocated project.

More information?

More information and further details on the exact modalities can be found on the FWO website.



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail ilse.das@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268098

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