Water4All Joint Call 2024



Thirty-six Funding Agencies from all over Europe and abroad are pleased to pre-announce a joint transnational call for research and innovation projects on:

“Water for Circular Economy”.

The call will focus on 4 topics:
  • Topic 1: Enhancement of water circularity in industries.
  • Topic 2: Urban water circularity.
  • Topic 3: Resource recovery and valorization.
  • Topic 4: Economic, environmental and social implications of water reuse and recovered products.

The projects should start end 2025 - beginning 2026. 

Application via the FWO is possible via the channels of Junior and Senior Research projects (Fundamental Research) and SBO Projects (max. budget per project = 350.000 EUR, incl. overhead).


The full list of participating funding organisations has been published on the website.
  • Each consortium must be composed of at least three independent eligible partners from three different countries requesting funding from participating Funding Partner Organisations.
  • In addition to the abovementioned condition, the projects must involve at least two independent legal entities from two different EU Member States or Horizon Europe associated countries as recipients of the financial support.
  • The upper limit of eligible project partners per consortium is seven (including one self-funded partner, if any).

Each consortium participant will be funded by the Funding Organisation from its country/region participating in this joint transnational call. Participants are therefore subject to the eligibility criteria of national/regional funding organisations.
Each proposal must respect the general international and national/regional eligibility criteria.

This call will include an additional call modality aiming at Early Career Researchers holding a Phd since less than 10 years. You can find more information in the Water4all 2024 JTC Call Announcement on the website under "Call documents to download".


The submission deadline for pre-proposals is the 13th of November 2024
Selection of pre-proposals: End of February 2025
Selected pre-proposals have to submit their full proposal by the 29th of April 2025.

More information?

More information is available on the website

Deadline intern

06.11.2024, 13.11.2024

Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail sarah.szyr@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269052

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