Lightsheet microscope launch event

16 mei 2023
18:30 - 21:30
UHasselt - Campus Diepenbeek, auditorium H6

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

The Biomedical Research Institute recently expanded its imaging portfolio with a state-of-the-art Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscope! This full-blown platform, funded via the FWO Heavy-Scale Research Infrastructure Fund, is capable of fast tomographic imaging of living model organisms or organoids, but can also image larger cleared samples (up to 2 cm!) in toto with sub-cellular sharpness!

To introduce you to the world of light-sheet microscopy, and provide a sneak peek at what this system can mean for biomedical and clinical research, we cordially invite you to this Launch event!


18u30: Welcome by Prof. Jelle Hendrix, Hasselt University
18u40: Discovering more with the Zeiss Lightsheet 7" by Sven Terclavers, Zeiss
19u20: 3D light-sheet imaging of large-scale optically cleared human brain and prostate tissue samples by dr. Anna Schüth, Maastricht University
20u: Reception including Virtual Reality demonstration

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