Funding organisation:
Bijzonder OnderzoeksFonds
The BOF outgoing mobility programme funds outgoing international academic research stays for a short period of time (
from 1 to 3 months). For applications submitted on the deadline of October 1, the stay can take place at the earliest in January. The funding includes:
- A fixed daily allowance of € 66/day (max. € 1,650/month);
- An intervention in the travel costs for 1 return ticket (fixed amount: € 500,- within Europe, € 1,000,- outside Europe).
The stay should be part of the scientific research within the research group or institute.
- Applications can only be submitted by a postdoctoral researcher, a tenure-track assistant professor or a ZAP member. Applications for mobility of a postdoctoral researcher must be submitted together with a promoter that belongs to ZAP at UHasselt;
- A parallel application with FWO is required and should be added to the BOF application. (FWO - Travel Grant for a long stay abroad, Submission deadline with FWO: no later than 3 months before departure);
- The stay should be part of the scientific research within the research group/institute;
- The application must be accompanied by a positive advice from the discipline group (vakgroepraad).
BOF Outgoing MobilityDeadline
Tel. +3211269041