KBS & Sofina - Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund


Funding organisation:

Koning Boudewijnstichting


In line with the aspirations of its stakeholders and the company’s strategic direction, the Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund wishes to address the adverse consequences of the global Covid-19 pandemic on two key issues related to Sofina’s focus sectors: specific challenges in healthcare systems and services and the digital gap in education.

1. Challenges to Healthcare Systems and Services

The challenges the pandemic poses to healthcare systems globally are manifold and difficult to overcome. Related issues range from shortages of medical equipment and limited capacities to restricted access to healthcare professionals during the confinement period, which significantly increases the health risk for wide parts of the global population. The Fund will sponsor initiatives focusing on health prevention and facilitating access to the first line of care. It will direct its efforts towards populations and regions severely impacted by the crisis.

2. The Digital Gap in Education

During the crisis, children across the globe are deprived of access to education. This worsens the inequalities in education outcomes for children from underprivileged backgrounds. In the current environment, digitalization is one of the solutions to bridge this educational gap. The Fund aims to help reducing this digital divide by supporting non-profit initiatives in the sector.

Selected projects will receive a minimum amount of €500,000


All not-for-profit organizations setting up a project in Western Europe, India or Singapore and which fits with the key issues targeted by the Fund, may introduce an application. The project may be led jointly by teams from different institutions, but it must be submitted by a single project leader.


The Fund will be active during 2 years and will fund projects which have clearly identified the root causes of a problem in one of the above fields and found a creative and innovative way to solve them in the long term. The analysis and the measurement of the overall impact of the project will be a key criterium in the selection.

Initiatives or projects that could be supported by the Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund can be entered at any time within the limits of available funds.  Candidates should complete the form “Request for Project” and send it to covidsolidarity@sofinagroup.com

The requests retained by the Management Committee of the Sofina Covid Solidarity Fund should receive a positive response within two months of their introduction.


More information on: https://www.sofinagroup.com/about-sofina/sofina-covid-solidarity-fund/




Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail ellen.vancutsem@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268995

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