Study coaching

Studentenbegeleiders En Katrijn 003[1] Studentenbegeleiders En Katrijn 003[1]

Make an appointment with your study coach

Click on your faculty to make an online or on-campus appointment with your study coach.

Haven't found a perfect time to schedule an appointment?
Email your study coach to find a time that suits you.

What to expect?

On this page, you will discover who we are and what we can do for you.
A coaching session is always at your request and not mandatory.
Our conversations are confidential. Everything we discuss stays between us. Teachers, fellow students and parents are not informed unless with your permission.

Individual coaching

You make an appointment when it suits you for an individual conversation. Topics you can discuss are:

  • efficient study method
  • study planning
  • exam planning and approach
  • study choice
  • motivation
  • concentration
  • stress
  • approach bachelor/master thesis
  • reasonable accommodations
  • study support in the context of disability
  • ...

How does such a conversation go?

A conversation can occur on-campus, via Google Meet or by telephone. You choose what you feel most comfortable with.

  • during the conversation, your study coach always works with your goals and expectations
  • during the coaching, you can work with your study material
  • a counselling session usually lasts between 45 minutes and 60 minutes
  • can be a one-off session or include multiple sessions
  • if a follow-up is necessary, you can agree with your study coach.

Please note! The study coach does NOT offer subject-related coaching or tutoring. For questions concerning the content, it is best to contact the professor.

Online study tips

If you like to learn on your own, you will find many study tips (study method, study planning, concentration, ...) on our page.

Study tips

Everyone studies differently. With our extensive study tips you can optimize or adjust your study approach.

Interesting books

Would you like to learn to improve yourself in an uncomplicated way but don't know where to start?
Do you also wonder about the quality of certain self-care books?
Then we have good news: the study coaches and student psychologists have selected books that you can start working on by yourself.

Overview books on study approach and personal development

You can also find the self-help books in the university library (Campus Diepenbeek).