Research Domains

CMK unites top environmental research and industrial collaboration to address challenges of high societal urgency that require analyses that span across the boundaries of different scientific domains and disciplines.

We conduct fundamental and applied research

  • to better understand influences of the environment on organisms
  • to develop and assess sustainable clean technologies to mitigate influences of the environment on organisms, and
  • to monitor, value and optimize biodiversity and ecosystem services under different stress conditions, including climate change
Birth Cohort (1)

How does the environment influence organisms?

Infrastructure14 (2)

How can we mitigate influences of the environment on organisms?

Multidisciplinary Research Ecotron

How can we value and optimize biodiversity and ecosystem services under different stress conditions?


Sapiens Network

Sapiens Network

Kopie Van Sponsorlogo EFRO Covid V4


Pexels Olia Danilevich 4982528


Carolien Van Oijen Wylm4dfih9g Unsplash (1)


Adobestock 280726852

Circular cultivation and chemistry



WASP (1)

WASP project

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