Lecture: Towards the Use of Renewable Syngas for the Decarbonisation of Industry

13 May 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Campus Diepenbeek, Bld. D, room B102

This event has already taken place.

Title: Towards the Use of Renewable Syngas for the Decarbonisation of Industry

Speaker: Dr. Remko Detz, TNO and University of Amsterdam

Hosts: Prof. dr. Pascal Buskens, Prof. dr. Marlies Van Bael

When: 13-05-2024, from 2 until 3 pm (incl. Q&A)

Where: Campus Diepenbeek, Bld. D, room B102

Abstract: Syngas produced in a renewable way can replace fossil-fuel based syngas production and thereby play an essential role in the decarbonization of industry. In essentially all industrial applications renewable H2 and/or CO can replace syngas from fossil fuel feedstocks. The quantification of the flows of these chemical building blocks required for the transformation of industry towards a net-zero emitting sector are presented. Also the results of a techno-economic analysis of five routes to produce renewable syngas are discussed. It is
demonstrated that under specific assumptions for the learning rates of some of the key process components,
renewable syngas can become cost-competitive with that produced from fossil fuels. Cost competitiveness,
however, only materializes for four of the five routes when natural gas prices are at least around 3 €/GJ and
carbon taxes increase from 90 €/tCO2 today to 300 €/tCO2 in 2050.

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