Analytical modelling

Assessment of the mechanical properties and internal forces of structures and structural elements using relatively simple mathematical models and equations available in standard documents and the international state of art.

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Through a comprehensive analysis of the existing standards and the international state of the art, relatively simple mathematical formulas and models assessing the mechanical properties and internal forces of structures and structural elements are assessed. The resulting calculations or calculation sheets can readily provide straightforward tools due to the low computational and infrastructural cost.

CERG has access to Belgian and European (EN) standards and international (ISO) standards accepted in Belgium (NBN ISO). CERG is also represented in the following workgroups, technical committees and subcommittees:

At the Belgian national level:

BBRI-SECO / E25001: EN 1990 and EN 1991
BBRI-SECO / E25003-04: EN 1993 and EN 1994
BBRI-SECO / E25005: EN 1995
BBRI-SECO / E25006: EN 1996
BBRI-SECO / E25008: EN 1998
BBRI-SECO / E125: Masonry products
SA / E344: Steel static storage systems

At the international European level:

CEN / TC250 / SC3 / WG5: Plate structures
CEN / TC250 / SC3 / WG22: FEM aided design
CEN / TC250 / SC8 / WG1, 2 and 5: Masonry, steel/steel-concrete, concrete