2023-01-12: New version of the RDM policy plan

Photo by Lukas: https://www.pexels.com/photo/document-on-top-of-stationery-669619/ Photo by Lukas: https://www.pexels.com/photo/document-on-top-of-stationery-669619/

The Hasselt University RDM Policy Plan(Dutch only) (pdf, 523 KB) sets a framework for all researchers to safeguard the quality, availability, and accessibility of their research data and it provides a basis for evaluating compliance with laws and regulations (e.g. GDPR) and codes of conduct. The Hasselt University RDM Policy Plan defines the responsibilities of all researchers affiliated with Hasselt University through five basic principles:

  1. All researchers must store, manage and provide access to their research data as stipulated in the RDM Policy Plan and adhere to its guidelines;
  2. Personal and sensitive data can only be collected and used when essential for specific research;
  3. All research projects require a data management plan (DMP);
  4. Researchers adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Identity and Access Management (IAM);
  5. The RDM Policy Plan complements existing legislation, regulations, research ethics, and integrity guidelines.

Hasselt University has the responsibility to support its researchers, ranging from providing tools and secure data storage infrastructure to providing support and training on data management planning and expert advice on personal data processing.

Researchers have a responsibility to preserve their data sustainably and securely and to enable reuse by following the FAIR principles and open data guidelines (where possible). The researchers themselves are responsible for ensuring that their data management is in line with this RDM policy.