Educational offerings

Nowadays, scientific information is no longer limited to the library shelves. The majority of research publications can be accessed (exclusively) through online journals, e-books, and databases on the Internet. The website of the University Library serves as the gateway to this information. It is important that you can effectively use the tools offered there. Therefore, the University Library also focuses on providing training in information literacy.

Online Information Package

The modularly structured information package on the library website serves as a primary resource for this purpose. You will find guidelines about information sources and search strategies, the use of several practical tools that can make your research easier, and how to evaluate and use information in your own papers and publications.

Introduction and Work Sessions

Additionally, the University Library organizes specific introduction and work sessions for students, doctoral candidates, and postdocs from different faculties and schools. The offerings for bachelor's and master's students are developed in collaboration with the program coordinators to align with the students' needs. The introduction to information literacy is coupled with practical literature studies.

On-Demand Offerings

Interested in learning more about a specific tool or topic? The University Library provides on-demand training and support on publishing, open access, copyright, bibliographic tools, and advanced information retrieval.

Research Data

An overview of educational programs on Research Data Management can be found in the RDM training calendar.

More information?

Do you have any suggestions for the online information package or would you like to schedule an information session? We are happy to assist you further.