Collaborating with persons with MS

Patiëntenplatform Patiëntenplatform

The UMSC is an internationally oriented center of expertise for research within the field of MS. Through this research we would like to offer the best possible care for people with MS. In addition, the opinion and experience of people with MS is very crucial to us because it gives an important touch to the research the UMSC is performing. 

Therefore we started the patient platform in order to further expand the UMSC TOGETHER. People with MS can and will make the difference. The patient platform meets on a regular basis, supported by the two UMSC coordinators dr. Ilse Lamers en dr. Kim Pannemans as well as our research coordinator dr. Deborah Severijns.

During the patient platform we present our ideas to the members of the platform, we answer their needs and questions and together we organize several activities. Finally we also focus on the interaction between the 3 different pillars in order to be fully complementary.