University MS centre

The University MS Center (UMSC) is an international center of expertise where advanced MS research is performed in order to offer the best care for persons with MS, now and in the future.

The participation of people with MS is central to the UMSC. The center develops strategic research and training programs, communicates widely about new insights and collaborates with local and international partners.

The UMSC combines the multidisciplinary expertise of Hasselt University and the rehabilitation & MS Center within Noorderhart Pelt to perform scientific research, give the best clinical care and training all in the field of MS.

Patroon Verticaal Bg Zwart Patroon Verticaal Bg Zwart

1 center 2 partners, 2 locations

Hasselt University, campus Diepenbeek

Hasselt University has built up a strong reputation n MS research for more than thirty years. The biomedical research institute conducts research in the field of MS disease mechanisms with a strong focus on immunological mechanisms and damage processes in the brain. Researchers make use of patient samples (UbiLim) and animal models. Secondly, an important component of rehabilitation research in the field of MS was developed within the faculty of rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy

Noorderhart Rehabilitation & MS, campus Pelt

This MS Center has built up a very strong clinical MS expertise since the 1960s and is currently one of the four Flemish MS expertise centers for ambulatory and chronic MS care. A full operational MS multidisciplinary consultation was developed here as well. The registered office of the Flemish MS-Liga is also located next to this center. The center employs important neurologists who are active in international networks and are considered key opinion leaders in the field of MS. More than 900 people with MS are now being followed up in Pelt. The RMSC also performs clinical studies to investigates new candidate medicines, in close collaboration with Hasselt University. This team has contributed to the clinical development of all new generation drugs for MS

In addition to these core partners, there is also a close collaboration with PXL University of Applied Sciences (and possibly additional partners in the future) with regard to further developing the ambitions regarding education and innovation. This is performed through an active collaboration within the intended platform operation (see section below)

Partnerlogo's 2Rijen

Support MS research!

Does MS research triggers you interest and would you like to contribute in helping out MS patients? Please support the UMSC and its research!

Your gift will be fully used in MS research!

Gifts of 40 euros or more are tax deductible.

Donatie Universiteitsfonds

Partners supporting the UMSC

Logo Roche
Logo VZW Boemerang
MERCK LOGO Vmagenta RGB 548 X 171 Pixels
Logo BMS
Logo Janssen
Logo Viatris


Here you can find an overview of the activities and workshops/trainings the UMSC offers. If you would like to subscribe for an activity or workshop, please click on the activity of your interest.

Contact and location

Would you like to contact us?


1 center, 2 locations (campus Diepenbeek - campus Pelt)

Hasselt University

Noorderhart - Rehabilitation & MS