Renew and reserve books

Please note: in Law Library Limburg there is only a limited borrowing option available, exclusively for students, staff members, and emeriti of Hasselt University, as well as members of the FOD Justice.


In the Campus Library, students can borrow up to four books at a time for a period of four weeks. The borrowing options in the Law Library are more limited. You can check which books you have borrowed through the 'Mijn bibliotheek' (My Library) platform.


It is possible to renew a book (if it has not been reserved) up to two times online through My Library. You can also use this platform to reserve a borrowed book.

Readers should return their books to the library desk on time. Late returns will result in a two-week suspension from the borrowing service. After the third reminder, the borrower will receive an invoice for the reminder fees and a replacement invoice for the borrowed books.


It is possible to reserve documents/books via My Library.
Items that have been borrowed for a long term (by staff members or emeriti) should be returned promptly when reserved by another reader.

Interlibrary loan

If a work is not available in the library or cannot be accessed electronically, it can be requested from another library. More information about the procedure and fees can be found here.

For more information about borrowing books and due dates, you can visit the pages of the Diepenbeek Campus Library and Law Library Limburg.

Detailed information for each location