Expertise Centre for Digital Media

As a computer science research centre, the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM) conducts research in five areas. Our preference is to create added value precisely at the interfaces of these different IT domains - where our areas of expertise meet. This is because combining expertise means doubling impact.

Our building: a blue, metal footbridge brings you to the entrance of our modern white building with mirrored windows Our building: a blue, metal footbridge brings you to the entrance of our modern white building with mirrored windows


Impression of Mike's ACM MMsys 2023 student report MMSys

Mike Vandersanden shares his first conference experiences

Our Nerdland Festival booth where you could weld, grope and cycle in VR Science Communication

Over 900 Nerdlanders participated in our VR user studies (nl)

Group photo at UHCTF 2023 Student Event

Our students participated in large numbers in our CTF

Impression of the Nu Weet Je Het article "Research Unit in de kijker: Intelligible Interactive Systems" Nu Weet Je Het

Research unit in the spotlight: Intelligible Interactive Systems (nl)

Logo Cyber Security Challenge Belgium Education

Our student teams did a great job at Cyber Security Challenge Belgium

Impressie van het Kanaal Z artikel en bijbehorende video "Hoe kan werk meer 'werkbaar' worden?" Science Communication

Jeroen Ceyssens improves quality of working life (nl)

Video thumbnail "FOSDEM: Introducing Vegvisir" FOSDEM

Joris Herbots introduces Vegvisir: An automation framework for testing QUIC application logic

Video thumbnail "MAX-R Introduction" MAX-R

The MAX-R project introduces itself

Arno Verstraeten receives the cheque that comes with his mtech+prijs Vlaamse Scriptieprijs

Arno Verstraete wins the mtech+award for his thesis (nl)

Video thumbnail "Dag van de Wetenschap: Virtueel op stap door de wereld van lichtvelden" Science Communication

We walked visitors through light fields at Dag van de Wetenschap (nl)

Impression of Het Belang van Limburg article "Onthutsend: populaire bedrijven gooien onze gegevens online te grabbel" Science Communication

Mariano Di Martino explains his research in HBvL (nl)

Video thumbnail "Science Pub nov 2022: Living in Real Life or Virtuality?" Science Communication

"Living in Real Life or Virtuality?" Science Pub with Kris Luyten and Jeroen Ceyssens (nl)

Guess who?-game with the caption "Wie wordt het? Longlist 2022" Vlaamse Scriptieprijs

Mihály Csonka on the De Vlaamse Scriptieprijs longlist (nl)

Impression of the Nu Weet Je Het article "Industriële wetenschappen informatica" Nu Weet Je Het

Davy Vanacken discusses start and future of the study program computer science engineering technology (nl)

Impression of the Knack article "Probleem van phishing is niet alleen de impact, maar ook de eenvoud ervan Science Communication

Mariano Di Martino writes about hacking in Knack (nl)

Logo AVI Event

We co-organized the workshop "HCI and worker well-being in manufacturing industry" at AVI

Impression of the blogpost "Wat zijn omnidirectionele camera’s en voor welke toepassingen zijn ze nuttig?" Science Communication

What are omnidirectional cameras and what are they useful for? (nl)

Logo EICS Conference

Kris Luyten co-chairs the papers track of the ACM SIGCHI conferences series EICS

Video thumbnail "Hoe steelt een hacker jouw identiteit?" Science Communication

Mariano Di Martino presents at Universiteit van Vlaanderen (nl)

Impression of the UHasselt Magazine article "Nieuwe opleiding: industrieel ingenieur in de informatica" UHasselt Magazine

EDM involved in the new study program computer science engineering technology (nl)

Video thumbnail "XR@Work" XR@Work

VLAIO shares short introduction to the XR@Work-project (nl)

Video thumbnail "Immersive technologie voor de voedingsindustrie" AR4Industry

AR for Industry 4.0 in Z-Food episode about Immersive Technology (nl)

Impression of the UHasselt Magazine article "Trends in cybersecurity op sociale media" UHasselt Magazine
Frank's wide smile gets reflected in the window beside him

Creating added value is in our DNA

From information technology research that is socially and economically important and academic research findings that help local international businesses innovate and grow, to close cooperation with partners from other disciplines and other organisations in order to create added value together... Over the past ten years academic IT research groups have started to take this kind of approach. But for us, this focus on applied research and exploitation is part of our DNA.

The whole spectrum

While most other academic research institutes have increasingly shifted their activities over the past ten to fifteen years from basic research to more applied research that is relevant to industry and society, we have actually moved in the opposite direction. Initially we deliberately adopted a consistently applied focus, because we were determined to generate economic and social impact with our research. Over the years, we have developed a better and broader theoretical basis for this applied research.

Our research activities now cover the entire spectrum: from fundamental and applied research to highly targeted contract research and commercial applications. But even within basic research we often deliver prototypes that are tested by users in order to assess their added value. Our research rarely exists in a vacuum.

Commercially driven

Exploitation of research results is extremely important to us, and with our patent applications, licences and spin-offs we can point to great results in this context. We will continue this focus in the future. Our aim is to help our partners and other industries grow.

~ Director prof. dr. Frank Van Reeth

Why work with us?


Frank Van Reeth

Frank smiles widely

Mieke Haesen

Mieke smiles with her teeth
Business Development Manager


Our building: a blue, metal footbridge brings you to the entrance of our modern white building with mirrored windows

Wetenschapspark 2

3590 Diepenbeek
