EU - Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values


Funding organisation:

European Commission


The Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values (CERV) Programme funds a wide array of activities to protect and promote the rights and values of human beings put forth by the EU. Four calls are opening in early March with a deadline of June 6th, 2024

Call 1: Democratic transition, (re-)building and strengthening society based on the rule of law, democracy, and fundamental rights (1.51 million) 
Projects under this priority should focus on the transition from authoritarian and totalitarian rule to democracy in different European countries, their similarities and differences, and the lessons retained for the future about how to defend and sustain EU values such as democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights. At the same time, projects can also explore the means of historical justice, be it through trials, restitution, or amnesty.

Call 2: Strengthening the remembrance of the Holocaust, genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to reinforce democracy in the EU (8.88 million)
Projects under this priority should focus on specific crimes such as the Holocaust, totalitarian crimes, or other 20th-century crimes like genocides, war crimes, and crimes against humanity and should analyze how these crimes were organized, which actors were involved, and how they were committed.

Call 3: Migration, de-colonization and multicultural European societies (2.06 million)
Projects under this priority can also deal with common European experiences of migration that can be linked to a multitude of events such as wars, transition moments, colonization and de-colonization, economic impacts, persecution, or others.

Call 4: European integration and its defining achievements (1.55 million)
Projects under this priority should explore and promote to all generations the defining moments and reference points of European integration, its history, and how these changes have in practice affected the daily lives of Europeans. Projects can focus on specific rights granted in the European Union such as freedom of movement, on specific achievements such as a common currency, or on defining moments such as accession of countries. Testimonies of witnesses could be a particularly valuable resource for making the experience tangible and provide an intergenerational perspective.

Projects should include a thorough gender analysis and be between 12 and 24 months in length. There are no strict guidelines for the budget, but a maximum budget for all funding is listed above per call. Proposals are evaluated based on relevance, quality, and impact.


Proposals should be made by consortia of at least two participants, linking different types of organizations. Activities should (a) be of various types (e.g. research, training, debates, exhibitions, awareness-raising); (b) develop training for rights defenders, civil servants, etc; (c) provide opportunities for intergenerational exchange; (d) involve a variety of target groups. 


Application via the EU Funding en Tenders Portal.

Deadline submission:  June 6th, 2024

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