FWO - Scientific cooperation with Taiwan 2024

Research, Internationalization

Funding organisation:

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen


To promote scientific collaboration between Taiwan and Flanders, the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) organizes the program 'Scientific Cooperation with Taiwan' in cooperation with the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). This program focuses on collaboration between the two countries and the exchange of junior researchers.
In each cooperation project on the Flemish side, at least one junior scientist with no more than 12 years of postdoctoral experience should perform an exchange towards Taiwan.

Within these joint cooperation projects, FWO and NSTC cover the travel, accommodation, and living expenses of their own researchers:
  • FWO offers researchers from Flanders: a daily living allowance of € 66 (max. € 1,650/month) and covers the travel expenses towards/from Taiwan (to be booked via OMNIA Travel).
  • NSTC pays the Taiwanese researchers an amount of NT$ 240,000 per project per year to cover travel expenses, government’s insurance and living expenses. 
Approved applications start on 1 January 2025 and have a duration of two years.


Projects must be submitted by a Flemish and a Taiwanese Principal Investigator. All PI's are required to have a PhD degree and hold throughout the entire period of the project an appointment of at least 50% at UHasselt. 
It is essential to update your E-loket profile before submitting your application. 


Proposals must be submitted simultaneously to FWO and NSTC.

NEW: For FWO you submit your application through the FWO E-portal by using the specific digital application form under ‘International collaboration / Mobility projects’.

Deadline of submission: June 26th, 2024 (at FWO: 5 pm Belgian time).

You propose a list of 3 external referees; one referee will be asked for advice. Be aware that international referees cannot be appointed to a Belgian or a Taiwanese university, research institute, or other organization.

Visits must be indicated in the application (incl. the duration, estimated dates, and names of the researchers). Flemish researchers can undertake different scientific exchanges:

  • Short-term research missions: min. 1 and max. 2 weeks (for senior researchers with more than 12 years of postdoctoral experience and PI's)
  • Long-term research missions or internships: max. 4 weeks (for PhD and postdoctoral students, with max. 12 years postdoc experience)
The number of exchanges: 
  • For Flemish researchers to Taiwan: the Principal Investigator may apply for a total of 6 months per project (for the entire project duration of 2 years). This annual quota can be divided into maximum 6 visits per year.
  • For Taiwanese researchers to Flanders: the Principal Investigator is encouraged to conduct exchange activities within the planned budget. No specific limitation regarding the number of visits and the duration of the visits is determined by NSTC. 

More information?



Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail ilse.das@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211268098

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