Promobilia Foundation Grants



The aim of the Foundation is to promote the development of technical aids so that disabled persons could benefit of a more active life. Our task is to support research and development of technical aids as well as ensure they get into production and reach the needy.

The Foundation mainly gives support for development of tools for disabled persons mobility but has also supported research about the comprehension of reading and writing difficulties. The Foundation has also supported research around diseases that could lead to severe motion problems.

The foundation only gives support for projects that are coherent with its objectives. In general, the results should be useful for a larger group and make itself known by any form of open publication. The applicant could be a university, high schools, hospitals or other institution, in Sweden or abroad. Even private persons can apply for support for projects if overleaf conditions are fulfilled. The foundation normally doesn’t give support for industrial projects or to a private person for (for example) purchase of help.

Projects must be closed and reported within 2 years from the day the grant is paid out. Grants can range from 100.000-500.000 SEK (until about €50.000). 

The foundation prefers that projects are supported by other funding as well, as it shows a broader interest and quality of the project. 

More information?

Applications must be made via the application form. 

More information can be found on the Promobilia Website.



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