How to optimise your study method?

So many textbooks and lectures … how to study it all!?

Tackle it step by step:

  1. Preview
  2. Attend the courses
  3. Review your notes
  4. Study
  5. Check

Check the steps of a study process (website) or read them below.


Start your study with a short orientation on the subject matter: read through the intertitles, the introduction or the conclusion and get a picture of what you will learn.

Previewing the study material takes little time and increases your concentration, insight and efficiency.

Attend the courses

Students who attend the courses have higher degrees. So go to your classes and take notes since the professor might teach subject matter not in the PowerPoint or the textbook.
Write down the key concepts on paper or on a laptop, whatever you prefer.

Online recorded lectures?
Use a similar approach as during on-campus lectures: write down the key points and valuable examples. Pause the recording if necessary, but be aware that you don’t have to write down everything (that would waste too much time).
Boredom can strike more than in a regular lecture, so stay active while listening, e.g. by taking notes, drawing a scheme or writing down your questions.

Review your notes

After the lecture, read through your notes and look for gaps.

  • Have you written down all the essential information?
  • Did you miss out on something?
  • Is everything clear?


After the lectures, it's time to study.

This is what you do during autonomous learning:

Read the course material

Most courses will provide a textbook, articles or a reader.
The professor might not teach all the subject matter in the lectures, so read your literature carefully.
Reading might take time, so read the necessary chapters each week and don't get behind.

To study a textbook efficiently, structure it. There are different ways to do so: you can annotate and highlight the text, schematise, or make an excessive table of contents.
You can combine these strategies to make sure you fully understand the material.

Prepare for practice sessions

If you have a practice session coming up, prepare for it.
Check Blackboard to know what the teacher expects from you. Then, solve the exercises, do the reading assignments and send in your questions so you can get the most out of your practice sessions.

Study thoroughly

When you study, ask yourself questions about the subject matter (e.g. why is this so? How does it work?) and try to answer them.
Asking critical questions about the content and then trying to answer them yourself will deepen your insight.


Don't take it too easy

Do not think too early: 'Yeah, I understand everything (more or less)'.
You only learn deeply when you make yourself difficult.
How do you do that? Check out:

Bring variation to your study method

For instance, don't read the same textbook all day, but vary by doing exercises or alternate subjects.


Check if you’re on track:

  • Do you keep up with the tasks and reading week by week?
  • Do you fully understand the course material?
  • Can you solve new exercises or problems on your own?

Get help if you come across any issues!
You can contact:

  • Your teacher, with any subject-related question
  • Your study coach for guidance on how to study