Develop innovative methods for evidence-based policy making

Money 6692564 340 Money 6692564 340

We assess people’s preferences and willingness to pay for policies and solutions targeted at the mitigation of and adaptation to environmental problems. We use both stated and revealed preference methods for this. Our research also contributes to identifying and shaping best practices in stated choice modelling. Moreover, we apply methods that allow explaining and stimulating pro-environmental behavior such as structural equations modelling and survey experiments.

Moreover, we also perform fundamental research on the presence of biases in published empirical findings and it prioritizes to reduce and correct for these biases to provide a solid and science-driven foundation for evidence-based policy making. We are mainly interested in meta-research in environmental economics and climate research as evidence-based policy making in these fields is of particular societal interest and urgency.


Stephan Bruns

Stephan Bruns 01

Environmental Economics

Sebastien Lizin

Sebastien Lizin

Environmental Economics

Robert Malina


Environmental Economics