About DSI

DSI is the newest of four spearhead research institutes at Hasselt University, representing research excellence in the field of data science. Through intense connections with local and international stakeholders, DSI contributes to the university’s civic mission.

Since the end of 2019, the Data Science Institute of UHasselt, unites data science researchers active in subdomains of data science, who were previously scattered across the university. It is the individual researchers’ expertise and interests that gives character to the institute. It is a people-driven institute, committed to data-related challenges, fundamental innovations and applicable solutions.


Mission and Vision

Grounded in a civic university and building on the expertise and interests of its members, the mission of DSI is to facilitate the data-driven future from a fundamental and applied scientific perspective and with a footprint in high quality research, teaching and civic collaboration.

This mission is supported by three strategic choices:

DSI’s main activities are research, education and civic collaboration which form three interconnected pillars. The quality of and interaction between these pillars are important drivers of DSI’s success. We invest in fundamental as well as civic-driven data science research and consider them of equal value. Individual researchers have the freedom to navigate across the spectrum.

Our mission and strategic choices are reflected in DSI’s key guiding principles:

  • DSI unites data science researchers across disciplines and domains. Individuals’ expertise give character to the institute.
  • DSI’s impact ranges from scientific excellence to civic relevance.
  • DSI delivers high-quality trained data scientists, critical and engaged global citizens.
  • DSI collaborates with universities, research centers, governments, businesses and societal organisations in order to enhance knowledge on local, regional and global challenges, support decision-making processes and develop new ideas and solutions.
  • DSI acts as a catalyst for data-driven research valorisation and as a sounding board for discussion on the role of data in society.

This all support the vision that DSI broadens data scientists’ perspective and range of opportunities and as a whole, helps the university and society to make the best use of the increasing value of data.

Our scientific and technological offer to potential collaborators covers the full data science cycle as shown below. The concept of the data science cycle helps to make services and expertise of DSI visible and demonstrates the interdisciplinary nature of DSI.

DSI in numbers

Interdisciplinary researchers
Yearly publications
Yearly PhD's

Organisation and members

Organigram DSI

DSI unites researchers and support staff across 10 research groups:


Predoctoral and Scientific Researchers

Postdoctoral and Senior Researchers


  • Frank Neven
  • Stijn Vansummeren

  • Liese Bekkers
  • Jeroen Bollen
  • Niels Bylois
  • Thomas Muñoz Perez
  • Marcel Parciak
  • Olaf Van Bylen

  • Brecht Vandevoort


  • Steven Abrams
  • Iñigo Bermejo
  • Roel Braekers
  • Liesbeth Bruckers
  • Tomasz Burzykowski
  • Christel Faes
  • Niel Hens
  • Geert Molenberghs
  • Thomas Neyens
  • Ziv Shkedy
  • Olivier Thas
  • Andrea Torneri
  • Dirk Valkenborg
  • Anneleen Verhasselt

  • Leonardo Angeli
  • Andreea Burlacu
  • Jari Claes
  • Alejandro Correa Rojo
  • Myrthe D'Haen
  • Inez De Batselier
  • Melvin Geubbelmans
  • Pieter Giesen
  • Leyla Kodalci
  • Liz Limpoco
  • Neilshan Loedy
  • Kato Michiels
  • Connie Musisi
  • Yessika Natalia
  • Minh Hanh Nguyen
  • Thi Huyen Nguyen
  • Trang Nguyen
  • Marsha Nugroho
  • Fenny Ong
  • Bernard Osang'ir
  • Christopher Patzanovsky
  • Elena Sofia Prieto Leon
  • Alejandro Rozo Posada
  • Sara Rutten
  • Ömer Sercik
  • Astrid Sierens
  • Wouter Smeets
  • Bryan Sumanilab
  • Helene Vermeulen
  • Frédérique Vilenne
  • James Wambua
  • Sebastiaan Weytjens

  • Annelies Agten
  • Simon Appeltans
  • Maikel Bosschaert
  • Nele Cosemans
  • Elisa Duarte
  • Oswaldo Gressani
  • Lisa Hermans
  • Anna Ivanova
  • Ivy Jansen
  • Stijn Jaspers
  • Cécile Kremer
  • Jade Membrede
  • Zoë Pieters
  • Leen Prenen
  • Murih Pusparum
  • Piotr Prostko
  • Axel-Jan Rousseau
  • Shoera Sels
  • Johan Verbeeck
  • Lennert Verboven
  • Jeroen Wynen


  • Sorin Pop
  • Jochen Schütz
  • Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse
  • Fred Vermolen

  • Sasan Amini
  • Sabia Asgari
  • Jeremy Chouchoulis
  • Wilbert Den Hertog
  • Ayesha Javed
  • Alejandro Morales Hernández
  • Roel Schrooten
  • Arjun Thenery Manikantan
  • Eleni Theodosiou
  • Hoang An Tran

  • Koondanibha Mitra
  • Sebastian Rojas Gonzalez


  • Marc Gyssens
  • Bart Kuijpers
  • Jan Van Den Bussche

  • Erik Bollen
  • Maxime Jakubowski
  • Arthur Jansen
  • Heba Mohamed
  • Valeria Soliani
  • Leandro Tabares Martin
  • Dore Staquet
  • Jasper Steegmans


  • Liesbet Peeters

  • Sofie Aerts
  • Hamza Khan
  • Tina Parciak
  • Marcel Parciak
  • Noëlla Pierlet
  • Ashkan Pirmani

  • Lotte Geys
  • Ilse Vermeulen


  • Ann Bessemans

  • Giulio Galli
  • Marta Guidotti
  • Janneke Janssen
  • Sabina Sieghart
  • Walda Verbaenen

  • Maria Perez Mena


  • Geert-Jan Bex
  • Jef Hooyberghs

  • Dries Heylen
  • Brittany Mueller
  • Pieter-Jan Piccard
  • Yannick Stulens
  • Rebekka Van Hoof


  • Amr Ali Eldin
  • Simon D'haenens
  • Evy Neyens
  • Hanne Poelmans


  • Bruno Bonnechere

Emeritus professors associated with DSI: 

  • Marc Aerts
  • Herman Callaert
  • Paul Janssen
  • Emmanuel Lesaffre
  • Noël Veraverbeke

Strategic partnerships


On 10 September 2008, the Leuven and Hasselt Rectors signed the Interuniversity Institute for Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics (I-BioStat) agreement. For two decades, the Hasselt and Leuven entities have assumed responsibility over education, scientific consulting, and research in biostatistics, bioinformatics, and methodological statistics. Over time, strong collaborative links have been forged between both. CenStat, now part of DSI, joined forces with the Leuven Biostatistics and statistical Bioinformatics Centre in an interuniversity institute. I-BioStat extends further the two divisions’ activities in biostatistics, statistical bioinformatics, and genetics. This is enabled by means of additional appointments at professorial and postdoctoral level, and through project-based investments. Jointly, Leuven and Hasselt are creating a well recognized platform.

Feel free to visit the I-BioStat website


Current vacancies UHasselt - Data Science Institute

Current vacancies other institutes

Past vacancies


Other institutes

The UHasselt Data Science Institute in Belgium (www.uhasselt.be/dsi) fosters collaboration among data science experts across disciplines. As part of this new institute, the Visual Data Analysis Lab is interested in applying interactive data visualisation to support data scientists in gaining insight in their complex data.

The UHasselt Data Science Institute in Belgium (www.uhasselt.be/dsi) fosters collaboration among data science experts across disciplines. As part of this new institute, the Visual Data Analysis Lab is interested in applying interactive data visualisation to support data scientists in gaining insight in their complex data.

  • Associate Professor / Professor / Full Professor Research Position in Data Management and Data Wrangling

    The Data Science Institute brings together researchers working in the broad field of data science across faculties and research groups at Hasselt University. The main objective is to facilitate the data-driven future. The institute performs research across the full spectrum from fundamental to applied; its impact ranges from scientific excellence to civic relevance. The institute's success is measured in achieving this goal by continuous growth in impact and reputation.

The UHasselt website has information on life on campus (student house, visa, costs, health care, etc).


Dr. Sarah Vercruysse

dr. Sarah Vercruysse

Agoralaan Gebouw D - B -3590 Diepenbeek

Office E109

Research manager

dr. Liesbeth Bruckers


Agoralaan Gebouw D - B -3590 Diepenbeek

Office E111

Consulting Coordinator


UHasselt Campus Diepenbeek - building D

Uhasselt Campus Diepenbeek

Agoralaan - gebouw D,3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium


The institute is located in the main university building (Building D) at the Diepenbeek campus.

By public transport

The institute can be easily reached from Hasselt train station using bus services 20A (to Maastricht), 36 (to Genk via Diepenbeek) or 45 (to Maastricht and Maaseik). There is a busstop "Diepenbeek Universiteit" near the main building of the Diepenbeek campus where DSI is located.

By Car

There is a visitor's car park at the side of the main building. Ring the bell at the front barrier, then leave your car for a moment near the main building. At reception you will be given a day code for the barrier and a plan you can use to find your way to the visitor's car park.

When you arrive on-site

To get to the institute itself, take the main entrance of building D, diagonally cross the agora, and take the steps to the first floor where the institute is located.