Learning, inclusive, international, sustainable. These are the four priorities in the coming years for UHasselt’s education, research and innovation. With these four priorities, UHasselt works towards becoming an even stronger University by 2030 – aligning with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To further boost innovation in education and research – and allow this University to excel – these themes will be reflected in everything we aspire to be and everything we do.
At the same time, these policy themes will enable UHasselt to make true on its civic mission, in which UHasselt is committed to a strong region and a strong engagement with society. Against the backdrop of economic, social, demographic and societal shifts, a strong university with an international reputation can also make the region more resilient.
Hasselt University's Internationalisation Policy Plan sets out the internationalisation and development policy for the period 2022-2026. The policy priorities are divided into 4 strategic objectives, which are each elaborated in operational objectives, current initiatives and possible new action points.
Through Erasmus+, the European Union supports the educational, professional and personal development of participants in the fields of education, training, youth and sport, in Europe and beyond. The programme offers people of all ages the opportunity to gain knowledge and experience at home and abroad.
By studying or working abroad with Erasmus+ or participating in Erasmus+ (international) projects, professionals and students improve their communicative and intercultural skills. They acquire indispensable soft skills and often language skills as well.
The programme also helps to improve the quality of education and training through international cooperation projects.
Hasselt University is partner in the Erasmus+ programma 2021-2027: