Albin Conde Reis

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Albin Conde Reis Albin Conde Reis

Albin Conde Reis

Albin Conde Reis

Imo-imomec, Wetenschapspark 1 - B-3590 Diepenbeek


PhD student

Albin Conde Reis obtained a bachelor in Bioengineering in 2016 from Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), where he then got a master degree in Chemistry and Bio-industries in 2018. During his master, he did an exchange program in Chuo University (Tokyo), in a group working on photo-chemistry. During his master thesis he tackled issues over battery management systems and battery modeling, specifically about sensor placements. In Oct 2019, he became a PhD student in the group of electrochemical engineering lead by Pr. M. Safari. His work revolves around the intricacies of lithium-sulfur cathodes on a physico-chemical level and it involves experiments and modeling on multiple scales, from the most fundamental scale to a whole cathode.

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