Dr. Hamid Hamed

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Hamid Hamed Hamid Hamed

Dr. Hamid Hamed

Hamid Hamed

Thor Park 8320, 3600 Genk, Belgium


Expert researcher

Hamid Hamed received his Bachelor in Chemical engineering in 2013 from Sharif University of Technology (Iran). He obtained a Master degree in Chemical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (Iran) in 2016. In his Bachelor thesis, he worked on the in-situ groundwater remediation. During his Master thesis, he worked on the characterization and optimization of the dialysis membranes’ micro-structure . In Oct 2017, he joined the group of electrochemical engineering as a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. M. Safari. The target of his PhD studies is to gain an enhanced understanding of the relationship between the battery’s mesoscale properties and performance. His work involves modeling of batteries; non-equilibrium thermodynamics; and multicomponent transport theory in porous media.

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