Quantum computing

Quantumcomputing Quantumcomputing

Quantum computers, based on the encoding of information on the superposition states of qubits, act as massive parallel devices. This specificity leads to hugely enhanced computation power compared to classical computers, which could enable to address problems that cannot be solved using current technologies.

The greatest challenge to construct a quantum computer is the technology scale-up, to reach computers with thousands of qubits. The currently used superconducting qubits are operated at cryogenic temperature, making any scaling up complex and costly in terms of energy, space and cooling power. The photoelectrically readout diamond qubits developed at Imo-Imomec could facilitate this upscaling, by enabling the fabrication of qubit arrays in the form of nano-electronic chips operated at ambient conditions and easily integrated with classical electronics.

We already demonstrated the possibility to perform the photoelectric readout of a single quantum gate made of an individual nuclear spin coupled to an NV centre electron spin. Based on this achievement, we currently work on optimizing the fidelity of photoelectrically read gates and on the application of the photoelectric readout method to more complex gate sequences, opening the possibility for the realizations of small solid-state quantum processors. By downscaling the size of the electrodes fabricated on the diamond crystal, we could also reach the site-resolved readout of dipole-dipole entangled NV qubits, thereby realize nanoscale coupled registers.