Research topics

The research group R4D conducts research in the field of social sciences on three major fundamental transitions in contemporary societies: digitalisation, diversity, and democracy.

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Research on digitalisation, diversity and democracy

These phenomena are increasingly redrawing the relationships between individuals and core institutions such as the state, the market, civil society, communities, the family, as well as between individuals themselves. This creates new, complex issues whose outcomes are often difficult to predict in the long term and which involve a large number of actors with unequal power. These issues constitute so-called "grand challenges" or “wicked problems” for society, challenges for which there is no simple solution. However, they simultaneously offer new opportunities to redesign society and its core institutions, with a view to increasing dignity, equality, inclusion, and sustainability.

Core values


R4D's research draws on three core disciplines - communication studies, sociology, and public administration. In addition, depending on the research project, we engage with other disciplines, including political science, law, organizational studies, architecture, and computer science. Because the social reality is multiple, no single discipline can fully capture it. This multidisciplinary approach allows the phenomenon under investigation to be uncovered from multiple perspectives.

Multidisciplinary research allows for more richness to be built into the analysis and for the underlying assumptions of the different disciplinary perspectives to be made visible. By integrating multiple elements, it becomes possible to outline more realistic scenarios and formulate policy recommendations that identify boundary conditions and potential undesirable effects. In this way, this approach increases the relevance and usefulness of the scientific knowledge produced - both theoretical insights and empirical findings - for stakeholders in society.


All research activities of R4D start from the civic mission of Hasselt University as an important anchor institution in the surrounding region and beyond, as well as from the public value of the generated knowledge. In our academic practice, we facilitate the participation of involved actors in the research process in different ways, if possible from the early design phases and for the co-creation of knowledge. In collaboration, we pay particular attention to the inclusion of the knowledge and perspectives of less powerful actors (e.g., individual citizens, disadvantaged communities, smaller governments, and non-profit organizations).

The research group is committed to valorizing the knowledge not only through academic publications but also by systematically translating it into practice. In this regard, we are strongly committed to the integration of research into the teaching mission of our researchers. This intertwining allows us to train students to apply social scientific knowledge to create social impact in their own later professional practice.

Fields of expertise

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The research on digitalisation focuses on socially sustainable digitalisation and responsible data use. Digital media and platforms have become an essential part of the social environment and daily lives of citizens. As a result, online and offline data are collected, processed and (re)used on a massive scale by means of sophisticated digital technologies and automated decision systems. This has profound consequences for more and more sectors in society.

These evolutions bring along new questions regarding social alignment, empowerment and public sphere. The research on answers to these questions starts from a threefold perspective: (1) helping to develop technologies that comply with public values; (2) guaranteeing and strengthening meaningful participation and control of users/citizens via digital platforms; (3) bringing together relevant players in the platform society in order to reach agreements on shared responsibility.

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The research on diversity focuses on how sociodemographic characteristics (e.g. gender, class, 'race' and ethnicity, religion, migration status, age, sexual orientation, disability) of individuals and groups determine their participation in contemporary society. It examines how, despite the principle of equality on which democratic societies are based, dominant social norms and core institutions such as the labour market, the welfare state, education, politics, and civil society reproduce inequality between individuals and groups.

Discrimination, segregation, and exclusion deprive people of opportunities and reduce their trust in democratic institutions. They undermine social cohesion and the prosperity of society as a whole. This research focuses on the one hand on differences and (in)equality and on the other hand, identifies innovative policy measures (e.g. norm broadening, mainstreaming, quotas) and organisational forms (e.g. social enterprises, co-operatives) that promote equality. Special attention is paid to equal participation in work and the economy, the relationship between paid and unpaid work, access to essential goods (health, education, housing, leisure) as well as participation in the political sphere.

Example projects:

  • Diversity and inclusion in digitally-driven working environments in logistics
  • Diversity and (un)equal inclusion in the platform economy
  • Brand activism (FWO candidacy, December 2021 - November 2025)
  • Practices and policies for gender equality in research and science (INSPIRE, HorizonEurope project, May 2022 - April 2025)
  • How artificial intelligence technologies are changing work processes (FWO project, Jan 2019 - Dec 2023)
  • The role of the European Union in the evolution of gender equality in the Belgian consultation model (2018-Dec 2023).
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The research on democracy focuses on how public organisations deal with current, complex societal challenges. These challenges often transcend the responsibility of a single level of government and require cooperation, not only between different levels of government and public organisations, but also with private organisations, civil society organisations and citizens, whether or not in partnership. This implies that the relationship between government and other actors is shifting from a hierarchical to a network relationship. These evolutions raise questions both about the internal management of public organisations and about the ways in which they give shape to public responsibilities.

Starting from this governance context, this research line focuses on the question of how public organisations (can) give form and content to decision-making processes and policy-making in an innovative and coordinated way, both within the same administration and in relation to various external stakeholders. Special attention is paid to (1) the impact and opportunities of technological developments on the organisation and culture of public administration and (2) the (equal) participation of citizens and other social actors in these structures and processes.

The research focuses on government organisations and public institutions at different policy levels (European, federal, regional, and local).