Project R-8769


International Meeting in Performing Arts & Creative Technologies (Research)


The project IMPACT puts itself on the axis ECONOMY 2020 - with the most import goal to develop new applications and to give support within the cultural and creative economy. IMPACT does this by performing 3 complementary actions; IMPACT Lab, Learn and Forum. IMPACT Lab is an incubator for Art/Technology-projects with the goal to develop prototypes that will be demonstrated within the Forum. Namely, 20 projects R&D Art/Science/Technology. IMPACT Learn has the goal structuring an Euregional transdisciplinary formation for Art en Technology for stimulating collaborations and connections between the different related sectors. While IMPACT Forum compasses the structuring and development of a hub around novel and creative industries within the context of three international fora.

Period of project

01 January 2016 - 31 December 2018