Project R-9672


High Energy Photoemission: an easily accessible user facility for surface and interfacial analysis enabling materials research in Flanders by academia and industry. (Research)


HArd X-ray PhotoElectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) is a rapidly evolving analytical method providing much needed insight into material interactions at surfaces and burried interfaces. Recently a lab-scale HAXPES platform based on monochromatized 9.2 keV photons (Ga) with outstanding sampling depth (30-50 nm) and photon flux has been introduced by Scienta Omicron. To implement HAXPES as novel analysis technique in Flanders to boost applied research in areas like batteries, photovoltaics, catalysis, corrosion prevention and semiconductor devices, a consortium composed of Flemish academic and industrial partners is applying for funding to create an easily accessible HAXPES user platform. Through the presence of an equipment manufacturer within the consortium and the complementary research by the partners on the fundamentals of HAXPES, the project will also contribute to the further optimization of this emerging technology and enable its quantitative application. The envisioned multiuser facility will leverage the extensive analytical portfolio and knowledge base available within the consortium which is composed of: UHasselt, VUB, KUL, Imec, Toyota-BE, Solvay and Scienta Omicron.

Period of project

01 May 2018 - 30 April 2022