Project R-9169


X-SENSE3 - Smart environmental sensing through a self-powered, compact and versatile sensing platform using (plant-) Microbial Fuel Cells: a cross-disciplinary approach (co-financing EFRO-project Digital Acceleration DIGVER1181 - UHasselt/LRM/IMEC) (Research)


The overarching theme of the co-financing EFRO-project DIGVER1181, with partners UHasselt / X-LAB, LRM and IMEC, is digital acceleration and cross-over of disciplines. The present project is therefore situated at the crossroads of two 'big challenges', namely digital transformation (eg Internet of Things, Smart Cities...) and climate/ environment/energy-challenges. The general objective is 'smart environmental sensing' (city, nature...) through the development of compact, versatile, low-cost multi-sensor modules for the on-line monitoring of relevant environmental parameters (e.g. water quality). To enable long-term monitoring and/or use in remote regions, a specific objective is to develop self-powering sensor modules by means of 'energy-harvesting' from the environment. An important route that will be investigated is that of bioelectricity via '(plant-)Microbial Fuel Cells' (MFCs). These MFCs will also be explored as possible autonomous sensors. In order to demonstrate that the envisaged compact and versatile sensing platform can operate in a variety of conditions and locations, ranging from urban to rural (remote and harsh) environments and from marine to atmospheric environments, one of the ultimate goals is to test it during a "CubeSat"-mission (nanosatellites of 10x10x10cm) of the European Space Agency ESA. As a preparation to these high altitude experiments, proof-of-principle experiments will be performed using drones.

Period of project

01 October 2018 - 30 September 2022