Project R-3176


Doped CVD diamond layers: electrical and opto-electronic characterisation (Research)


Doped chemical vapour deposited (CVD) diamond layers play an increasingly important role as material of choice to be used as an active platform for bio-related applications. Furthermore, more and more emphasis is also put on the possible use of these materials in energy conversion and harvesting. Depending on the application, monocrystalline as well as polycrystalline films can play an important role. Doping can be achieved by adding boron as well as phosphorus, leading to respectively p-type or n-type conducting films. However, the use of such layers requires a fundamental understanding of their electrical and opto-electronic properties. This project proposal focuses on such characterisation based on techniques such as magnetotransport, photocurrent-based spectroscopy, capacitance-voltage, and current-voltage measurements.

Period of project

01 October 2011 - 31 December 2016