cultuurcentrum Hasselt (ccHa), Hasselt, Belgium
March 19 - 21, 2025
The 29th meeting of the international Hasselt Diamond Workshop continues the tradition of being the annual “early bird” venue for researchers to exchange the latest news on the progress in science and applications of CVD diamond. The meeting began in 1996 as a workshop for discussions about ‘Surface and Bulk Defects in Diamond’ (hence the acronym SBDD), and has since become known as one of the premier international conferences on diamond science and technology.
Through the yearly rotation of the Chair, each edition gets a clear signature programme based on the Chair's field of expertise. This year, the SBDD XXIX programme is focussed on quantum aspects of diamond while also covering annually returning topics. This comprises the growth of high-quality diamond material, including, doping, physics of colour centres and their properties, chemistry and physics of diamond surfaces, etc. Furthermore, use of these properties in quantum devices, high-power electronics, biomedical and bio-sensing applications, magnetic resonance, and many more will be discussed. Traditionally, SBDD XXIX is aiming at providing a forum where fundamental as well as application driven viewpoints can be discussed at the highest level.
Chair: Quan Li, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
For three full days, the SBDD XXIX programme is focussed on quantum aspects of diamond while also covering annually returning topics. This comprises the growth of high-quality diamond material, including, doping, physics of colour centres and their properties, chemistry and physics of diamond surfaces, etc. Furthermore, use of these properties in quantum devices, high-power electronics, biomedical and bio-sensing applications, magnetic resonance, and many more will be discussed. Traditionally, SBDD XXIX is aiming at providing a forum where fundamental as well as application driven viewpoints can be discussed at the highest level.
The meeting will start on Wednesday morning, March 19, 2025, and will end Friday afternoon, March 21, 2025. In these three full days, several invited talks will be given, covering different topics.
Speaker | Presentation |
Marcus W. Doherty, Australian National University, Australia | Towards integrated chips for diamond quantum technologies |
Yasuaki Einaga, Keio University, Japan | Electrochemical CO2 reduction by boron-doped diamond electrodes |
Nicole Fabbri, CNR-Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (INO) & European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), Italy | Diamond quantum magneto-microscopy towards cardiac imaging |
Richard B. Jackman, University College London, U.K. | 3D internal wires within diamond to produce a paradigm changing approach to diamond electronic devices for power applications |
Ying Jiang, Peking University, China | Probing phase transition of confined water by a quantum diamond sensor |
Peter Knittel, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik (IAF), Germany | Placement of NV-centers in diamond through CVD growth techniques |
Peter Maurer, The University of Chicago, U.S.A. | Protein-based qubits: Biosensors beyond diamond |
Joana Catarina Mendes, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Portugal | Is diamond electronics' best friend? |
Federico Picollo, Università di Torino, Italy | Nanodiamond properties tuning for radiotherapy application |
Abstracts must be formatted using the following template, and then uploaded via the following link. The total length of the abstract cannot exceed one A4 page. The only accepted file format is .pdf.
Abstracts must be in English and should include Title, Authors, and Affiliations
The confirmation of acceptance of the abstract will be send before February 5, 2025, together with the type of presentation, i.e. oral or poster.
The deadline for submission of abstracts to be considered for oral presentation was January 22, 2025. All abstracts submitted from now will only be considered for poster presentation. The final deadline for poster abstract submission is February 12, 2025.
Date | |
December 5 2024 | |
January 10 2025 | |
January 22 2025 | Abstract submission deadline (oral presentations) |
February 6 2025 | Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts |
February 12 2025 | Abstract submission deadline (poster presentations) |
March 3 2025 | Full programme and final announcement |
March 5 2025 | Registration deadline for presenters |
March 12 2025 | Registration deadline |
March 19 - 21 2025 | Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2025 - SBDD XXIX |
March 31 2025 | Deadline for receiving the manuscripts |
The meeting will start on Wednesday morning, March 19, 2025, and will end Friday afternoon, March 21, 2025. In these three full days, several invited talks will be given, covering different topics.
The conference will take place in the centre of Hasselt, Belgium.
The full programme is available for download here from March 3, 2025.
Two poster sessions will be organised during the meeting. Panels will be provided to which the posters can be affixed with push pins or tape. Please bring fixing materials with you! The posters can be put up on Wednesday morning, and can remain there until Friday noon.
An online registration form is available here.
The information that needs to be provided to receive your tickets, like name, institution, … will also be used to create your conference badge. Hence, pay attention when providing these details!
For more information and/or questions on late or on site registration, contact the Conference Secretary.
Registration can only be succesfully completed after online payment by e.g. credit card or other available online payment methods.
Proof of Payment
During checkout, select "I place this order for a company" to receive a proof of payment. If required, a Purchase Order number can be added.
We cannot accept cash payment! We apologise for the inconvenience this might cause.
SBDD XXIX will take place at the cultuurcentrum Hasselt, aka the ccHa. The cultuurcentrum Hasselt is situated in the centre of Hasselt, just outside the ring road, and can be easily reached on foot.
cultuurcentrum Hasselt
Arrangements were made with the Express by Holiday Inn assuring a special rate for participants of our workshop.
Bookings need to be done online using this link in order to reserve one of the SBDD prebooked rooms in the Express by Holiday Inn! The special rate is valid for stays from Monday, March 17, to Saturday, March 22, 2025.
In case of problems, telephone number, and email address given below will lead you to the joined reservation desk of the Holiday Inn and Express by Holiday Inn, both situated in Hasselt. We kindly ask you to not use those mentioned on Express by Holiday Inn website. Always mention your participation to "Hasselt Diamond Workshop 2025 - SBDD XXIX"!
In case of a fully booked hotel, rooms are also available at the Holiday Inn, or you can contact the Conference Secretary for help.
Holiday Inn Express
The Express by Holiday Inn is located in the center of Hasselt, very close to the railway station. Taxis are available in front of the railway station. Walking it takes about 10 minutes.
In the framework of the workshop, all oral and poster presenters have the opportunity to contribute to a Special Issue on "Recent Advances in Diamond Science and Technology" that will be published in physica status solidi (a).
All manuscripts need to be prepared using the templates of physica status solidi!
All manuscripts must be submitted online using the dedicated Editorial Manager website of physica status solidi (a):
Submit your manuscript in the "Diamond Science and Technology - SBDD XXIX" section that can be chosen from the drop-down menu on the "Please Select Section/Category" tab!
The manuscript preparation guidelines and templates can be found at:
In case of questions or problems, please mail the Editorial Office at
Companies that are interested in sponsorship and/or exhibition, please contact the Conference Secretary for further details.
The organisation would like to thank the following sponsors for their continuous support:
Seki Diamond Systems. For more information, please contact the representative.
HiQuTe Diamond. For more information, please contact the representative.
Qnami. For more information, please contact the representative.
MUEGGE GmbH. For more information, please contact the representative.
Diatope. For more information, please contact the representative.
DIAMFAB. For more information, please contact the representative.
Hasselt University, through the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) and IMOMEC.