This event has already taken place.
We are excited to invite you to a webinar on the role of SOLID technology in healthcare, scheduled for Tuesday, February 4, 2025 (19:00-20:30).
During this seminar, we will explore key questions such as:
What is SOLID technology?
How will SOLID technology influence (data) strategy in healthcare, particularly in remote monitoring, both short and long term?
No registration is required for this event (just click on this Google Meet link).
This event will be recorded and these recordings will be made publicly available shortly afterwards.
19:00 - Introduction and welcome
19:10 - What is SOLID and why should you care? (by Jef Hooyberghs - UHasselt)
19:20 - SOLID and Digital Health: Initiatives in the Spotlight:
19:50 - Panel debate on the role of SOLID in healthcare
20:30 - Meeting Close