Environmental Economics

The ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS group translates physical measures and observations into monetary values that can be understood and used by relevant stakeholders. As a member of CMK, the group focuses on  techno-economic, environmental and social assessments of clean technologies, and on the monetary valuation of ecosystem services and nature's contribution to people. A particular focus is placed on improving the evidence-base in these domains to improve decision-making, for example by means of meta-analyses.  The group publishes in leading economic and interdisciplinary journals and is involved in several major international research consortia with funding from EU framework programs and Belgian and Flemish funding sources, among others. It collaborates with leading research institutions around the world.


Stephan Bruns

Stephan Bruns 01

Environmental Economics

Tom Kuppens

Tomkuppens Foto1

Environmental Economics

Sebastien Lizin

Sebastien Lizin (1)

Environmental Economics

Robert Malina

Robert (1)

Environmental Economics

Our Researchers

Charlotte AdriaensensTeaching AssistantMore infoProf. dr. Bart LahcenGuest ProfessorMore info
Lotte BoostenTeaching AssistantMore infoProf. dr. Bert LenaertsGuest ProfessorMore info
Prof. dr. Miet Van DaelGuest ProfessorMore info
dr. Lise JanssensResearcher-expertMore infoInge StulensResearcherMore info
dr. Sumit MaharjanResearcher-expertMore infoMatthew HullResearcherMore info
dr. Alessandro MartulliResearcher-expertMore infoSeline BregmanResearcherMore info
dr. Nele WittersResearcher-coördinator | Business DeveloperMore info
Haitham Abu GhaidaPhD studentMore infodr. Luca CampionGuest Staff MemberMore info
Pranita DasiPhD studentMore infodr. Teshome DeressaGuest Staff MemberMore info
Trang DongPhD studentMore infoPieter FonteynGuest Staff MemberMore info
Brian FowlerPhD studentMore infoChris-Gabriel IslamGuest Staff MemberMore info
Ellen HannesPhD studentMore infodr. Nazanin LoveGuest Staff MemberMore info
Héloïse HulstaertPhD studentMore infodr. Gonca Seber OlcayGuest Staff MemberMore info
Talia MoonsamyPhD studentMore infoPaul SibilleGuest Staff MemberMore info
Francis MwangiPhD studentMore infoViet Tuong Van NguyenGuest Staff MemberMore info
Tuan NguyenPhD studentMore infodr. Jie YangGuest Staff MemberMore info
Max OuanoPhD studentMore info
Benoit RuysschaertPhD studentMore info 
Elisabeth WoeldgenPhD studentMore info

Our Alumni

  • dr. Nele Witters -> Valorisation manager at CMK, UHasselt
  • Prof. dr. Tom Kuppens -> Professor at VUB and UHasselt on teaching economics
  • Prof. dr. Sebastien Lizin -> Professor at UHasselt on environmental economics
  • dr. Ellen De Schepper -> Senior manager PMO IT at H. Essers
  • dr. Miet Van Dael -> Researcher at VITO; TEA team lead
  • dr. Eloi Schreurs -> Finance and accountancy director at OPZ Hospital Geel
  • dr. Dries Maes -> Policy advisor at EWI
  • dr. Rob Hoogmartens -> Technology developer castings at Atlas Copco
  • dr. Janka Vanschoenwinkel -> Researcher at VITO/Energyville
  • Prof. dr. Yann de Mey -> Associate Professor at Wageningen uni  (Netherlands)
  • Prof. dr. Frederic Ang -> Associate Professor at Wageningen uni  (Netherlands)
  • Prof. dr. Tine Compernolle -> Assistant Professor at UAntwerpen
  • dr. Silvie Daniels -> Affiliate faculty member at Oregon State University (United States)
  • dr. Katharina Biely -> Postdoc at Wageningen University (Netherlands)
  • dr. Parisa Rafiaani -> Sustainability scientist at ETEX
  • dr. Gwenny Thomassen -> Postdoc at Ghent University
  • dr. Sophie Van Schoubroeck -> Postdoc at UAntwerp
  • dr. Bert Lenaerts -> Postdoc at IRRI
  • dr. Anne Nobel -> Court of Audits (Netherlands)
  • dr. Ilias Mokas -> Senior data scientist at Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • dr. Alessandro Martulli -> Postdoc at UHasselt
  • dr. Hajar Lamhamedi -> Public engagement officer at WUSC (Canada)
  • dr. Lise Janssens -> UHasselt staff position
  • dr. Rosaly Severijns -> Postdoc at UAntwerp
  • dr. Madina Beckchanova -> Sustainability consultant at the Cornerstone
  • dr. Luca Campion -> Climate consultant at Econopolis
Will defend soon (and already have a job)
  • Pieter Fonteyn -> Researcher at VITO
  • Jie Yang -> R&D project manager at Umicore

Update: February 2025