In this conference we will focus on the complete value chain of functional materials engineering. We will dive into the deposition and application of functional materials as well as its characterization. There are 4 specific topics related to the generic topic of Functional Materials Engineering:
During this conference, masterclasses and key-note presentations from experts in the field will be combined with training of researchers on valorisation and IP. As a participant you can also submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation. More information can be found here.
The program of the 4-day mini-conference is composed as follows:
The list of invited speakers for both the masterclasses and the keynotes can be found here
Here you can find the Book of Abstract for the Conference on functional Materials Engineering 2024
Full programRegistration for the conference is very flexible. You can opt for a single day ticket, combination of days or for the full 4 days. A regular ticket for one day will come at the cost of €50. Each extra day is an extra €50. However, if you opt for the full 4-day conference, you only have to pay for 3 days (= €150). PhD and postdoctoral researchers linked to a Flemish University and PhD and postdoctoral researchers from the EURECA-PRO network, only pay €20 service fee for the full 4-day conference.
Register hereOn Tuesday and Wednesday, we ask you to present your recent results to the community. This can be during an oral talk in the session with the keynote speakers, or during a poster presentation, exposed during the conference days. Template for abstract submission can be found here.
Please submit your abstract before September 1st to
Notification of acceptance as oral or poster presentation will be done in September 2024.
Book of AbstractsModelling of Organic Coating Corrosion Protection on Metals
VUB (Belgium)
Droplet impact on surfaces with and without heat transfer
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Organic and metal-halide perovskite photovoltaics
TU/Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
Circular and sustainable flexible electronics
Enhancing Heat Transfer through Surface Wettability
TIPS, ULB (Belgium)
Non-wetting surfaces: from superhydrophobic to impregnated surfaces.
CNRS, Univ. Lille (France)
Processing and phase transitions of organic semiconductors.
Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz (Germany)
Distributing functionality in Soft Robots
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Printed Electronics – An enabling technology
Silicon Austria Labs (Austria)
Electrode materials for (photo)electrochemical sensing applications.
Antwerp University (Belgium)
Wetting of Structured Surfaces: Modeling and Simulation
DFG Collaborative Research Center
TU Darmstadt (Germany)
2D- and 3D-printed organic thermoelectric materials leading to performing devices
KU Leuven (Belgium)
Conformable electronics and sensors for on-skin electronics
Tampere University (Finland)
New device architectures and performance limitations of organic infrared sensors
UHasselt (Belgium)
Understanding and controlling the performance of corrosion protective organic coatings
University of Manchester
Flexible and stretchable electronics technologies for use in e-textiles and structural electronics
Imec/UGent (Belgium)
Printed electronics, a true booster for innovation in wearable healthcare
QUAD Industries (Belgium)
Simulation and Modelling of Surface Technology Systems for Aerospace Applications
Airbus (France)
The printed electronics ecosystem: how academia and industry strengthen each other.
Self healing soft robots: from lab to market
Transforming research results into a thriving spin-off.
More information soon
Intellectual property (IP) and related challenges.
KU Leuven
Prof. dr. ir. Wim Deferme, Hasselt University, Institute for Materials Research (imo-imomec)
Prof. dr. ir. David Seveno, KU Leuven, Department of Materials Engineering
Prof. dr. ir. Tom Hauffman, VUB, Department Materials and Chemistry
Prof. dr. ir. Iris De Graeve, VUB, Department Materials and Chemistry
For all questions, please contact us via