Request Grammarly premium account

The University Library provides free access to the premium version of Grammarly for UHasselt students, faculty, and staff.

Grammarly is a writing and grammar checker that goes beyond simply highlighting spelling and grammar errors. The program offers contextual advice and suggestions for improving sentence structure, word choice, and style for various types of documents. It can even help prevent plagiarism by checking for non-original text in a database of 16 billion web pages. Grammarly actively assists you during the writing process through browser extensions, a web-based editor, a Microsoft Office add-in, and a desktop interface.

Who can sign up?

All UHasselt students, faculty, and staff with a UHasselt email address can sign up for the premium version.

How to register?

Send an email to with your UHasselt email address and request a Grammarly premium account. You will receive an automatically generated invitation email to create a Grammarly premium account.

How to use?

You can find numerous Grammarly tips and tutorials on the following web page: