The research funders listed below require that publications resulting from their funding be made available in Open Access, either directly through the publisher by paying an 'article processing charge' (APC) or by including the author's version of your article in a free online database, such as e.g. the Document Server (i.e. UHasselt's institutional repository). Some of them explicitly endorse Plan S, which has been in effect since 2021, and requires researchers to make their publication available in Open Access immediately. More information on the Open Access policies of research funders can be found in the Open Policy Finder.
No rights can be derived from the information below. For up to date information about funders’ Open Access policies, please consult their websites.
Since | Deposit what? | Deposit where? | Deposit when? | OA when? | Policy | Plan S? | |
ERC Under FP 7 | 2008 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Institutional (Document Server), other suitable repository or personal webpage author | Upon publication | Open access mandatory
| No | |
Horizon 2020 | 2014 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Institutional (Document Server), other suitable repository | As soon as possible | Open access mandatory
| No | |
Horizon Europe | 2021 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Institutional (Document Server), other suitable repository | Upon publication | Immediately after publication | Yes | |
FWO | late 2011 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Suitable repository | Upon publication | Max. 12 months after publication | Art. 2 of FWO's General regulations | No |
Belspo | 2013 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Repository (Document Server) or subject repository | As soon as possible | Unspecified | No | |
NIH | 2008 | Author’s version | PubMed Central | Upon acceptance for publication | Open access mandatory max. 12 monts after publication | No | |
BOF | 2019 | Author’s version or published Open Access version | Suitable repository | As soon as possible | As soon as possible | No |
Most recent update: 2022-03-08