Quick guide for new (doctoral) students & staff

Just started at UHasselt? Welcome! We're excited to have you here! In this practical overview you will find everything you need to know about the library's collections and services.

18 03 26 Vernieuwde Bibliotheek 34 18 03 26 Vernieuwde Bibliotheek 34

Locations & Contact

Campus Library


UHasselt University Library
Campus Diepenbeek
Agoralaan D-Building

Law Library Limburg

Law library

Law Library | Rechtsbibliotheek Limburg
Courthouse (Gerechtsgebouw) 
Parklaan 25


If you have a specific question about the services provided by the University Library or if you are experiencing difficulties with any of the e-resources on the library website, we are here to assist you! In this overview, you will find the contact information of library staff members who can best assist you with your inquiries.

Opening hours & closure

Campus Library | Diepenbeek


13/01/2025 - 19/01/2025


08.30 - 21.45


08.30 - 21.45


08.30 - 21.45


08.30 - 21.45


08.30 - 21.45


09.00 - 17.00



Law Library Limburg | Hasselt


13/01/2025 - 19/01/2025


08.30 - 18.00


08.30 - 18.00


08.30 - 18.00


08.30 - 18.00


09.00 - 17.00


09.00 - 17.00



Closing days Campus Library

  • Monday 21.04.2025 (Easter)
  • Thursday 01.05.2025 to Sunday 04.05.2025 (Labour Day)
  • Thursday 29.05.2025 to Sunday 01.06.2025 (Ascension Day)
  • Monday 09.06.2025 (Whit Monday)
  • Friday 11.07.2025 to Sunday 13.07.2025 (Flemish Community Day)
  • Monday 21.07.2025 (National Day)
  • Friday 15.08.2025 to Sunday 17.08.2025 (Assumption of Mary)
  • Saturday 01.11.2025 to Sunday 02.11.2025 (All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day)
  • Sunday 09.11.2025 to Tuesday 11.11.2025 (Armistice Day)
  • Wednesday 24.12.2025 to Sunday 04.01.2026 (Christmas & New Year)

Closing days Law Library Limburg

  • Monday 21.04.2025 (Easter Monday)
  • Thursday 01.05.2025 (Labor Day)
  • Thursday 29.05.2025 (Ascension Day)
  • Monday 09.06.2025 (Whit Monday)
  • Monday 21.07.2025 (National Day)
  • Friday 15.08.2025 (Assumption of Mary)
  • Saturday 01.11.2025 (All Saints' Day)
  • Tuesday 11.11.2025 (Armistice Day)
  • Wednesday 24.12.2025 to Sunday 28.12.2025 (Christmas)
  • Thursday 01.01.2026 (New Year)


Physical Access

Since June 2018, access gates have been installed at the entrance of the Campus Library in Diepenbeek. UHasselt students can automatically authenticate themselves using their student card. External visitors are still welcome to access the library collection, but the library as a study space is reserved for UHasselt students and members of the association.

The Campus Library has 367 study spaces divided into three different zones: a group work zone, a whisper zone, and a silent study zone. Curious about how many people are currently in the Campus Library? You can check the access counter on the Campus Library's location page.

In contrast to the Campus Library, Law Library Limburg is rarely used as a study space. It primarily serves as a research library where materials are consulted on-site. There are no access gates, but everyone must still provide identification.

Remote Access

Many electronic journals and databases are subscription-based and can only be accessed "on campus" or when your computer is connected to the UHasselt network.

Through an EZproxy server, these resources can also be accessed remotely (e.g., from home or student accommodation). All you need to do is use the links to the e-resources provided on the library website. When you click on such a link, you will automatically be directed through the EZproxy server and prompted to log in with your UHasselt username and password. Once logged in, you can access the resource in the same way as if you were on campus. Our staff (including PhD students) have easy off-campus access to our digital collections through EduVPN.

For quick and direct access to all scientific articles licensed by the University of Hasselt, the browser extension LibKey Nomad is a user-friendly tool that provides easy access.

Nice to know

Quiet Study

Many students use the library as a place to study. We expect everyone to respect the silence and maintain a quiet atmosphere. Due to high demand, the work and study spaces in the Campus Library are reserved for UHasselt students and members of the association.

Everyone is welcome to use the computers provided in the library. It is also possible to connect to the UHasselt wireless network with your own device.

Please note: Eating and drinking are not allowed in the library. However, you may bring a water bottle. All backpacks and handbags must be stored in the designated lockers (pdf, 72 KB).

Group Study Room Reservations

UHasselt students have the option to use 10 group study rooms in the Campus Library: 6 open group study rooms (accessible to all and seating 6 people) and 4 closed group study rooms that need to be reserved in advance and seat 8 people. Quiet conversation is allowed in these spaces.

Printing, Copying, and Scanning

Students can print, copy, and scan using their student card (please ensure that you have sufficient credit on your PingPing account!).

Borrowing, Renewing, and Reserving

In the Campus Library, students can borrow up to four books at a time for a period of four weeks. The borrowing options in the Law Library are more limited. Staff members of Hasselt University (including PhD students) can borrow more than four books and also benefit from long-term borrowing options (i.e., until the upcoming September 15th).

You can check which books you have borrowed through the 'Mijn bibliotheek' (My Library) platform.

It is possible to renew a book (if it has not been reserved) up to two times online through My Library. You can also use this platform to reserve a book (pdf, 409 KB).

Readers should return their books to the library desk on time. Late returns will result in a two-week suspension from the borrowing service. After the third reminder, the borrower will receive an invoice for the reminder fees and a replacement invoice for the borrowed books.

If a work is not available in the library or cannot be accessed electronically, it can be requested from another library. More information about the procedure and fees can be found here.

Free Reader Pass Bibliotheek Hasselt Limburg

In need of more reading material? As a student or employee of UHasselt, you can easily register for a free membership of Bibliotheek Hasselt Limburg (Hasselt Limburg Library).

Logo Bhl (1)


UHasselt provides access to a wide range of electronic literature, including:

Web of Science | Scopus | SciFinder-n | IEEE Xplore | PubMed | AveryMathSciNet | Econlit | BEL-FIRST | Statista | Trends Top | Invert | myNBN | Acland Video Atlas of Human Anatomy | Muscle Premium | DETAIL Inspiration | InCites | MLA International Bibliography | Sociological Abstracts | Jura | Strada lex | monKEY | SocialEye | TaxWin Expert | Omnilegie | Legidex | Lexis 360 | HeinOnline | ...

For a more comprehensive overview of the available databases, please visit the list of e-resources.

E-journal collections:
Elsevier | Wiley | Springer Nature Link | Nature | Sage Premier | ACM Digital Library | ACS | RSC | IOP | JSTOR | Emerald 360 | ProQuest Central | Business Source Complete | Art & Architecture Source | AIP | Legal Source | SocINDEX with full text ...

For a more comprehensive overview of the available e-journals, please visit the A to Z-list of e-journals.

E-book collections:
Ebook Central | Elsevier e-books | Springer e-books | Wolters Kluwer digital book platform |  Van Dale online dictionaries | Le Docte: quadrilingual legal dictionary | ...

For a more comprehensive overview of the available e-books, please visit the A to Z-list of e-books..

Regarding physical books, the focus is mainly on providing instructional literature (i.e., the lists of required and recommended readings). However, if you find that an interesting book is missing from the library, please inform the library desk.

Some useful tools:

  • To search the entire library collection in one search, it is best to use the UHasselt Discovery Service, which is the central search bar on the library website's homepage.
  • To quickly determine if UHasselt has electronic access to a specific journal, including the publication years and package details, you can consult the A to Z-list of e-journals.
  • If you wish to have an overview of all potentially relevant e-resources licensed by UHasselt (if so required organized by faculty), you can visit the list of e-resources.

Finding and using scholarly information

Do you ever find yourself pushing the boundaries of Google? With this hands-on guide, you will elevate your (re)search skills to new heights in no time.

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Doctoral students & Staff

The university library is here to support you with publishing, open access, and copyright.

We offer information sessions on request, covering topics such as how to search for and find scientific information (e.g., using databases and setting up systematic reviews) and reference management (EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley). Our RDM team is ready to support you with a range of research data management services.

Need individual support? Our helpdesk will quickly connect you with the right person.

If you come across a publication that could be valuable for our students, we would love to hear your suggestions! Please reach out to An Baeten for physical books or Dirk Schoenaers for e-books and digital resources.