2022/10 - BOF BILA


Funding organisation:

Bijzonder OnderzoeksFonds



The BOF Bilateral Cooperation programme provides funding for international collaboration (max. 3 stays of max. 90 days each) between UHasselt researchers and researchers from foreign universities through joint PhD's.
Submitted applications either fit in the framework of science sharing with developing countries or are projects that strengthen the link with important international networks/aim at extending the research group's international network.
Applications on the BOF Bilateral Cooperation programme with a development-related topic can be financed through the BOF or the VLIR Global Minds programme, which also provides funding for scientific collaboration with developing countries, through joint PhDs.  

BOF and VLIR Global Minds programme funding includes: 

  • Funding for research stays: a daily allowance and operational funds for the candidate during max. 3 periods of max. 90 days each;
    • each stay at UHasselt lasts a maximum of 90 days;
      • preferably only one stay per calendar year takes place;
      • providing clear reasons, there can exceptionally be two stays per calendar year.
    • The maximum number of residence months financed by UHasselt for such a BILA project is set at 9 months, exceptionally 12 months, depending on the possibilities and funding by the foreign partner. It is only possible to apply for more than 12 months if this is necessary to bring the PhD to a successful conclusion and if this is clearly justified in the application.
  • Intervention in the travel costs for the candidate for each stay;
  • Intervention in the travel costs and accommodation for the UHasselt promoter (1x).


  • This programme is open to PhD candidates who want to prepare a (joint) PhD in collaboration between the partner university and Hasselt University.
  • The PhD candidate should apply with a UHasselt promoter. If a UHasselt promoter already has two ongoing BOF-BILA Projects, he cannot submit a new application.
  • The PhD candidate should remain appointed at his/her home institution.
  • The PhD candidate must comply with the UHasselt PhD regulations.





Contact Hasselt University?

E-mail elke.bos@uhasselt.be

Tel. +3211269053

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