Tolerating and resit exams

Tolerating & graduating

Master's degree

The master's degree programmes consist of a package of 60 ECTS credits or 120 ECTS credits (see study guide). Once you pass all these courses, you are graduated for the programme. Tolerances count towards the degree.

Rules of tolerance in the master’s programme (EEL article 16.6)


  • A score of 8 or 9/20 for the course
  • The course is tolerable (see study guide)
  • Maximum 6 credits
  • At least 50% weighted percentage

(regardless of whether it is a master's programme of 60 or 120 ECTS credits)

The Examination Committee will make a judgment at the end of the programme when you have completed all courses.

Preparatory programmes

The students in a preparatory programme also have their own package of courses, which are part of a separate deliberation package.

After completing their preparatory programme, these students will be informed whether they have passed their programme or not.

In the prep programme you may tolerate a maximum of 10% of the number of credits taken (rounded up from 0.5 onwards).

  • Example 1: If you have a programme of 62 credits, (= 62*10%=6.2 (rounding down) = 6sp) you can tolerate a maximum of 6 credits.
  • Example 2: If you have a 39 credits programme, (=39*10%=3.9 → (round up) = you can tolerate a maximum of 4 credits.
  • Example 3: If you have a programme of 45 credits, (=45*10%=4.5) → (round up) = you can tolerate a maximum of 5 credits.

In general: it all depends on what your programme consists of and whether you have exemptions or not. If you do have exemptions, even less credits will be allowed for using tolerance (EEL article 16.7).

When will I graduate?

It is the Examination Committee that makes a decision about students with a completed package of courses in:

  • Prep programme
  • Master

In which period can the Examination Committee declare you graduated?

The Examination Committee can declare you graduated after the 1st examination period (in June) or after the resit examination period (in August/September), if you took the exams of all the courses in the programme.

Graduated? → If you have met the tolerance rules, the Examination Committee will declare you graduated.

Specific situations

This video and the text below explain some specific situations regarding the topic of tolerating and deliberation.

1. Do you have a tolerable grade of 8 or 9? AND has the Examination Committee declared you graduated?

Then you are automatically deliberated (by the Examination Committee) since you completed all courses of the programme. The Examination Committee "deliberates" by using your tolerance for you, in your favor. You don't have to do anything yourself, the tolerance is automatically applied by the Examination Committee.

2. You are automatically deliberated by the Examination Committee in the 1st examination period BUT, you still want to take your resit in August?

Then you must indicate this in your student file within 10 calendar days.

You must then go through the following steps:

  • Go to your student file
  • In the menu on the left, click Announcements from the Education Department
  • There you will find the form (Registration for a second exam chance in the event of a tolerated fail) that you should fill in AND email to

Once you have obtained your credit for a course, you CANNOT take the course again.

3. You did not pass one course in the 1st examination period AND you have not completed all courses of the programme yet, BUT you do want to use a tolerance and not participate at the resit exam.

You can never request a tolerance after the 1st examination period. You are also not required to participate in the resit exam.

You can only request a tolerance for this course when you apply for your academic programme for the new academic year (in September). You can easily do this by indicating the course for which you wish to use a tolerance in step 1 of the application of the registration process.

4. You did not pass in the 1st examination period AND you do have a tolerable grade BUT, you still want to participate at the resit exam?

That is possible. Note that you have nothing to lose during the resit exam since the highest score remains at the end of the academic year.

You have to register for resit exams between July 11 and August 8! Do not forget to register in time, study well and be present for the resit exam.

If you did participate in the resit and unfortunately did not pass the course, you have 2 options:

  • You choose to include the course again in your study programme (i.e. to take it with you to the new academic year) or;
  • You choose to request a tolerance for that course when composing your study programme for the new academic year in September.

5. You have not yet completed all courses of the programme, but are considering using a tolerance?

The Examination Committee will not make a decision, because you have not yet completed all your courses. Therefore, no automatic deliberation will be applied.

In the case of a tolerable grade: you can request a tolerance yourself when composing your study programme for the new academic year in September.


The use of a tolerance is final. Your learning account for this course will not be refunded (not passed = not returned). By using a tolerance you usually MUST pass all other courses.

It will remain visible on your diploma supplement (transcript of records - your final list of marks). 

If you still have questions about this, do not hesitate to contact your Academic Advisor.


What should I do to tolerate a course?

If a student has not passed the resit period and therefore does not meet the tolerance rules of the Examination Committee, in some cases, there is a possibility to use a tolerance for a maximum of 6 credits:

  • When? At the start of the new academic year (after re-enrollment for the new academic year via the student file)
  • Where? Student file, application 'composition study track', step 1 (after the administration has processed the re-enrollment)
  • What? Tolerable grade (8/20, 9/20) not resume in new academic year
  • How? Simply click and save

Tolerate ≠ obligation!

Consequences of tolerating:

  • Number of available tolerance points may already be exhausted
  • Reach minimum weighted percentage (50%)
  • Loss of credits (cf. learning account)
  • Visible on the diploma supplement

Consequences of not tolerating:

  • Re-admission of the relevant courses
  • Tolerable grade will disappear and be replaced by the highest result achieved in the new academic year
  • Decision is final!

Practical info resit exams

To check the resit exam period of your master's programme, see the academic calendar.

Consult the timetable via MyTimetable (online on July 11 at the latest). You can register and deregister for a resit exam of the courses you did not pass via your student file between July 11 and August 8.

Please note that the study progress measures are still applicable in case of deregistering for resit exams. This deregistration is for organisational purposes only.

Follow these steps:

  • Go to your student file
  • In the menu on the left, look under my study progress,
  • 2nd chance exams (this tab is only available as of July 11)
  • Click on the box of the exam you want to take

Please note that if you choose not to take resit exams: no recovery of your learning account, you can no longer recover the exam chance and the registration fee you paid will not be refunded.

Two exams on one day may occur. Report these exams to your Academic Advisor.