Solid academic research is the foundation of good academic education and is an important link in the innovation chain.
Hasselt University has chosen to concentrate a large proportion of its research resources in a number of research institutes. The institutes aim to cover the entire research spectrum, from fundamental research via strategic basic research to the building of concrete applications. Innovative research and the valorisation of it are therefore important components of the university’s research policy.
In order to respond to social and economic challenges, the university chooses to focus research on a number of priority areas. These priority areas are chosen from opportunities that present themselves at regional, national and international level.
Through this organisation of research in well-chosen spearhead fields, the university can achieve the scale required to participate successfully in inter-university and international networks. Optimising Hasselt University’s position within the innovation web is therefore high on the agenda.
Students and (young) researchers at Hasselt University become acquainted with the latest scientific developments in their field of study, in an environment where entrepreneurship is held in high regard. The Directorate Research, Library and Internationalisation and Tech Transfer Office are together responsible for of professional and dynamic support for all research activities.
Hasselt University is structured as a matrix organisation, directing education, research and valorisation in an integrated manner.
At the highest level we distinguish the 7 faculties and 3 schools. They manage the academic education and research policy of the faculty or school. Every faculty counts several discipline groups. They group all staff members conducting research and teaching within the same discipline. Each discipline group consists of one or more research groups, responsible for the organisation of the specialised research.
This classical tree structure of faculties, discipline groups and research groups is traversed by the research institutes and research centres. The 4 research institutes and 3 research centres work interdisciplinary and consist of researchers from different research groups conducting research within a particular research area. The entire research spectrum is covered, from fundamental research via applied research to practical applications.
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Mission Research Council
The Research Council is the advisory, decision-preparing council that oversees the optimal fulfillment of the university's research function. The Research Council advises the Board of Deans and the University Board on the following research-related matters.
Constitution of the Research Council
The Research Council of the Limburg Association of Higher Education is composed of members of the different faculties. The Vice Rector for Research chairs the council; the Director of Research is secretary.
Principles of the constitution of the Research Council
Constitution of the UHasselt Research Council
Bureau of the Research Council
The Bureau of the Research Council is responsible for the preparations of the Research Council. The Research Bureau of the Limburg Association of Higher Education is elected by and composed of the members of the Research Council. The Bureau consists of a representative of each faculty. The Vice Rector for Research chairs the council, the Director for Research is secretary.
Principles of the constitution of the Bureau of the Research Council
Constitution of the Bureau of the Research Council