Dit event is reeds afgelopen
You are welcomed to follow the graduation ceremony of our master students online. The broadcast starts around 14h00 (Central European Time). Just click the link below and enjoy!
De rector van Universiteit Hasselt, de decaan en de voorzitters van de examencommissies van de faculteit Architectuur en Kunst nodigen je van harte uit op de proclamatie van:
The rector of Hasselt University, the dean and the chairmen of the examination committees of the faculty of Architecture and Arts cordially invite you to the graduation ceremony of:
Masteropleiding / Master degree:
op zaterdag 22 juni 2024 om 14.00 uur, Grote agora in gebouw D, Agoralaan, Campus Diepenbeek
on Saturday June 22nd 2024 at 2:00 p.m., agora in building D, Agoralaan, Campus Diepenbeek
** students & staff can register by using the invitation link in the mailbox **