Zin in een superwarme en megagezellige Christmas Movie Night? Dan heb jij geluk, want Stura en de bib slaan de handen in elkaar en spelen op 12 december om 19 uur de all-time klassieker THE GRINCH in aula H6.
Dit event is reeds afgelopen
English version below
PS: Niet-studenten zijn ook van harte welkom, dus breng gerust je vrienden mee! 🎄📽🎅
December 12th is the day - our Christmas Movie Night! The all-time favourite christmas movie starts at 7:00 PM, THE GRINCH in aula H6.
We are now also offering popcorn, chips, candy bags, and drinks at student-friendly prices, with the proceeds going to the Warmste Week charity.
Places are limited, so be quick and sign up via the button (inschrijven)
P.S.: Non-students are also very welcome, so feel free to invite your friends! 🎄📽🎅