De heer Jorg SNOKS

Over mezelf

I’ve had the possibility to do amazing things in my life. Some of which I could only dream of as a teenager. My believe is that people can do great stuff, but the surroundings must be authentic, the people around honest and the plan must be long term. If everybody, involved in the same situation, is aware of the way to go, magic will happen.

I had my kicks in retail, music industry, in my television work,… And it al starts with the why (thank you Simon Sinek for giving it a name) and the rest is simple ‘boerenlogica’ (or free translated: ‘farmers logic’), 'hard' work and emotions.

Not all my (music) projects are million sellers and not all my decisions were correct, but I’m proud to say some of my stories can’t be beaten easily. It’s all about connecting the dots and let the puzzle find its way. And that’s how I want to approach my work: analyse the situation and start to learn about the things I don’t know.

Feel free to drop me a line if you’re in for a chat over a cup of coffee. My experience got me working in product management, team management, marketing, long term planning, retail buying, customer approach, event organizer and now communication… A lot we can talk about.

But if you start with “the why”, I might give you “the how” in return. In the end, I’ll promise, we’ll all be happier. ☕