Disability-related and other support

Special circumstances

Studying with a disability

Are you a student with a disability?

  • physical disability
  • hearing impairment
  • visual impairment
  • chronic disease, e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.
  • dyslexia
  • autism spectrum disorder
  • AD(H)D
  • developmental impairment
    e.g. tic disorder, developmental coordination disorder (DCD), developmental dysphasia, developmental stutter
  • psychiatric disability
    e.g. mood disorder, anxiety disorder, etc.
  • another functional impairment
    e.g. dyscalculia, functional impairment of pain functions, skin and related structures


is the loss of function

  • permanent and long-lasting: actual or expected loss of function and/or preventive follow-up required for at least 12 months
  • serious: do you experience an impact on your academic activities

Then you can register as a student in special circumstances and use facilities for teaching and exams.

Do you have a specific problem that lasts less than 12 months? E.g. broken wrist, pregnancy, specific complaints but no diagnosis ...
Don't hesitate to contact your academic advisor to discuss the possible arrangements.

What certificates do I need? What facilities are possible?

As a recognized student with a disability, you can apply for facilities during teaching and exams.
For some functional limitations, the university has approved certain minimum facilities. 
You can request extra facilities via your student file if there are no approved minimum facilities for your disability.

What certificates do I need to submit, and what facilities can I appeal to?

How to apply for facilities?

As soon as you enroll at Hasselt University, you can apply to be recognized as a 'student in special circumstances'. After your recognition, you can apply for facilities.

Step 1: Recognition as a student in special circumstances
  • Go to your student file - special circumstances
  • Upload the necessary certificates
  • Can be done throughout your entire study career
  • Can be done at any time during the academic year
  • Deadlines in the context of exam facilities:
    • Quartile 1: October 15 
    • Quartile 2/semester 1: December 15
    • Quartiles 3 and 4 / semester 2: March 1
    • Second examination period (resit - Aug/Sept): July 1
Step 2: Apply for facilities (reasonable adjustments)
  • You can request facilities at any time during your academic year.
  • Deadlines apply for requesting exam facilities (see EEL regulations): before the recognition deadline of the relevant quartile/semester or at the latest 5 working days after approval of the recognition file.
  • After registering, please make an appointment with the disability officer for an interview to discuss your expectations and possible facilities and guidance.

For the practical organization of specific facilities (e.g. moving exams, ...), you need to contact your academic advisor in time.

Start your application here!

Support for students with a disability

What after recognition as a student with a disability?

Your recognition applies to your entire study career at Hasselt University. The granted facilities apply to your full program or temporarily.
We always treat your data with the necessary respect for your privacy. 
If any problems and/or conflicts arise from the granted facilities, you can contact the ombudsperson of the program.

Questions? Contact us!

disability officer Els Swijns

Els Swijns, disability officer

Studying in other circumstances

Do you belong to one of these groups?

  • Athlete
  • Performing as an artist
  • Working in employment
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Family care
  • Other special circumstances

Register as a student in particular circumstances.
This will allow you, where necessary, to use extra facilities for teaching and exams.

How to apply?

  • As soon as you enrol at UHasselt, you can apply to be recognised as a 'student in special circumstances'.
  • Via your student file - Special circumstances, you can start your application and upload the necessary certificates.
  • You can request facilities at any time during your academic year. 
    Deadlines apply for requesting examination facilities (see EEL regulations art. 8.1):
    • Quartile 1: October 15th 
    • Other examination periods: 15 working days before the start of the examination period
    • Resit (Aug/Sept): July 1st
  • You renew your application annually.
  • You take the initiative to register as a student in particular circumstances.

Which certificates do I need to submit?

What certificates must I submit, and what facilities can I call upon?

Read the criteria (pdf, 45 KB) you need to meet as a sports student.

  • Is this your first time applying for the status of a sports student (cat A)?
    Submit your application before September 1st.

We always treat your data with the necessary respect for your privacy.



Katleen De Wit, sports coördinator 
011 26 81 16

Working student

Study coach of your faculty

Own company/business

Els Huysman, PXL-UHasselt StudentStartUP
011 26 87 20


Study coach of your faculty

Other special circumstances

Study coach of your faculty

Disability/functional impairment

Els Swijns, disability officer
011 26 90 08