During your stay

Registration at town hall

Registration at town hall

When staying in Belgium, it is mandatory to register at the town hall.

Please make an appointment at town hall. Please mention that you’re an international student of UHasselt.

You are staying in Hasselt

  • go to the website of the city of Hasselt
  • Make sure the lines "Aankomst uit buitenland - lang verblijf (>3mnd) is selected (If you are staying longer than 3 months)
  • If you don't have a Belgian telephone number to add, you can use +32 11 26 81 11, the general UHasselt telephone number. Please ask to receive a BIS-number (cf. national insurance number).

You are staying in Diepenbeek

You are staying in Genk

Take following documents to your appointment

  • Your passport
  • Your rental contract, including your e-mail address
  • Your enrollment certificate which clearly mentions your study/internship. You can find this in your student file - if you have trouble finding it, or it doesn't mention your study or internship yet, please contact studentenadministratie@uhasselt.be
  • If applicable, proof of your scholarship
  • 19 euro for Stad Hasselt, 22 euro for Stad Genk, 15 euro for Gemeente Diepenbeek
  • 2 passport pictures for Stad Hasselt, 2 for Stad Genk, 3 for Gemeente Diepenbeek

After your initial appointment, a local police officer will formally determine your address. Afterwards, town hall will contact you about a second appointment for receiving your A-card residence permit.

Welcome guide

This welcome guide (pdf, 24.7 MB) helps you find your way at Hasselt University and in Belgium in general. It includes practical information and provides answers to questions about accommodation, public transport, how to study and administrative steps. We hope that you will soon feel completely at home.

Get to know Hasselt by watching this video made by our colleagues of Student Hotspot (scroll all the way down)

Orientation Days

At the start of each semester, Hasselt University's International Office welcomes international students (master students and exchange students) during the 'Orientation days'.

We show our students around Hasselt University and provide them with the necessary information about administrative procedures, the electronic learning environment, insurance, Belgian culture, student societies, bicycle renting,.. .

  • First semester: September 9th till September 13th
  • Second semester: February 6th till February 7th 2025

More information:

Language courses

Academic English for International Students

Workshop Academic English

Do you have a paper due at the end of the semester?

Are you expected to give a presentation as part of your course requirement?

If you are not sure how to go about either of these - we are here to help, with an Academic English Bootcamp! This will take place on Saturday 15 March.

What can you expect?

Part 1: The Basics of Academic Writing (9.00 - 12.00h)

- What makes a good research paper?

- What is the structure of a research paper?

- What are the stylistic conventions of a research paper?

- What tools are appropriate to use when writing a paper? What are the dangers and pitfalls?

- How can I avoid making the most common grammar mistakes?

Part 2: A crash course in presenting (13.00 - 16.00h)

- What makes a compelling presentation?

- How do I structure a presentation?

- How do I overcome my nerves and shyness?

- What should I do about slide layout?

- What expressions and gambits in English can I use?

- What are some dos and don’ts


The workshop is for students of all levels of English - please register here

More information
Laurien Stuvers

Academic English Drop-ins

Even though the end of the academic year is not yet in sight, you may have a paper or final presentation as a class requirement. To help you maximize your success, we are making a free, one-time service available to all international students.

A native English speaking tutor is available to help proofread your paper and coach you through your presentation. There is availability for this one-on-one English coaching during two drop-in sessions on Monday 6th May and Tuesday 7th May. These sessions are individual and last from 15-30 minutes each, depending on your needs. The session can be in-person or online, depending on what suits you best.

So, if improving your paper and presentation skills sounds like a good idea to you, please get in touch with eva.cordery@uhasselt.be and we will arrange a specific time for a one-on-one coaching session.


Together with the 'provincial centre for adult education Hasselt (PCVO)' Hasselt University organises a Dutch course for international students, PhD students, and guests.

This beginner's course (level A1) aims at giving you the basics for everyday conversation. During this course, you will, together with other international (PhD) students, learn the basics of the Dutch language, focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

This course consists of two weekly lessons (one online and one on campus).

In order to maximise interaction and participation, the maximum number of attendants per course is limited to 20. If the course is full, please register for the waiting list, so we can offer other options or contact you if other students cancel their registration.

Target group?
International students, PhD students, and guests who want to learn Dutch. No prior knowledge of the Dutch language is required.


Semester 2

  • Start: Monday, 17 February, 2025 (on campus)
  • End: Wednesday, 28 May, 2025
  • 2 evenings per week: On Monday (on campus) and Wednesday (online) from 18:30 to 21:30.


To be confirmed in the week before the start of the course. It will be either at PCVO Moderne Talen Hasselt (Gouverneur Verwilghensingel 1B, 3500 Hasselt) or campus Hasselt (Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt).


Semester 2


If you want to attend the Dutch course in semester 2, contact the Civic Integration Office. You can arrange an appointment by filling out the following form: https://www.integratie-inburgering.be/nl/afspraak-limburg.

Select that you would like an appointment in Hasselt and write in the note field that you are a student at UHasselt (master, PhD, exchange student). One of the team members will contact you to make an appointment. Please note that you have to be in Belgium on the date of the appointment and physically present on the day of the appointment.

60 euros (course material included)

Take care: the normal price is 120 euros, of which UHasselt sponsors 60 euros per student. In exchange, UHasselt expects an attendance rate of at least 80%.

PhD students can ask for a refund via doctoralschools@uhasselt.be.

More information
Laurien Stuvers or Leen Lambrechts

Practice Dutch at home

Want to practice your Dutch skills at home? Here are some tips:

  • Duolingo: Join the Duolingo community and practice your Dutch skills every day, using the app on your phone.
  • Belgian television: You can watch several programs of our Flemish broadcasting companies online. Just go to their website and create an account (VRT, VTM, Play).
  • Ik doe mee: Ikdoemee.be gathers activities for those who are new and those who are practicing Dutch in Flanders and Brussels. By participating to the activities you practice Dutch and build your social network.

other languages

UHasselt students and PhD-students can also attend Dutch or other langues courses at external language centres (Center for adult education, centrum voor Volwassenonderwijs (CVO)) in the neighbourhood:

If you are interested in taking a Dutch course at one of the centers above, please contact the Agentschap Integratie en inburgering of Flemish government or consult the website (=departement of the government focussing on integration).

Buddy Program

Every year, Hasselt University welcomes hundreds of students from all over the world. The purpose of the Buddy Programme is to help international students integrate into Flemish student life. In return, the Buddy gets the opportunity to practise a foreign language and learn about new cultures.

Your Buddy is a UHasselt student. The International Office will do its best to find a good match for each Buddy and international student. At the start of each semester, a Buddy event will be held to which all Buddies and international students are invited, so that they can get to know one another personally. Various activities will also be organised during the semester, but it is up to the two of you to determine how much interaction support is needed.

Do you want to request a Buddy?
The Buddy Programme is designed to make it easier for you to settle in at Hasselt University and in Belgium. You will be matched with a UHasselt student who has volunteered to help you find your way around during the early days of your stay and introduce you to Belgian customs and student life here.

Interested in requesting a Buddy? Registration here!


How to get around in Belgium? More information can be found on the pages about transportation.

Mobile Phones

If you wish to use a mobile phone in Belgium you should be aware that there are a few major competing networks:

• Proximus: www.proximus.be
• Base: www.base.be
• Mobile vikings: www.mobilevikings.com
• Orange: www.orange.be
• Telenet: www.telenet.be
• Lycamobile: www.lycamobile.be/en/

In the arrival hall of Brussels Airport (Zaventem), you have the option to purchase a local SIM card.
For this, you can go to the shop "Sim Local". We recommend doing this to reduce your costs.

Top up your phone balance in many shops or through their website.

If you have a Belgian phone number and a Belgian bank account, you can download your specific bank application on your phone. With this application you can transfer your invoices, pay digitally…

Student jobs

Are you looking for a student job in Belgium? Our student support services are happy to help.

Renewal of residence permit

Every non-EEA student must have a student residence permit. Your right of residence as a non-EEA student is always limited to the duration of your studies.

On 27 May 2018, some adjustments were made to the conditions for granting non-EEA students residence permits.

The changes relate to:

  • the deadline for applying for the renewal of the temporary residence document (A card);
  • the procedure that applies when missing documents are not provided in time: from now on, the municipality will declare the renewal application inadmissible with an Annex 29 form;
  • the possibility of terminating the student’s residence due to insufficient study progress.

The conditions for obtaining the initial authorisation to stay as a non-EEA student have not changed.

Application for renewal of temporary residence document must be made at least two weeks in advance

Non-EEA students must make an appointment for a renewal of their temporary residence document at least 15 days before the current residence document expires; previously, this had to be done at least a month in advance. However, we recommend that you apply for your residence permit as soon as you have all your exam results.

Clarification of the term ‘insufficient study progress’

The Immigration Service (DVZ/OE) already had the power to terminate your stay if you prolonged your studies excessively. This has now been made concrete in the new regulations.

Whether you make sufficient progress in your studies to maintain your residence depends on the credits you have gained in your study programme.  How many credits you have to gain depends on your programme:

Bachelor’s programme:

  • at least 54 credits obtained after 2 enrolments in the programme;
  • at least 90 credits obtained after 3 enrolments in the programme;
  • at least 135 credits obtained after 4 enrolments in the programme;
  • after 5 enrolments in your 180-credit bachelor’s programme you must have obtained the degree.

Master’s programme:

  • whether or not combined with a bridging or preparation programmeat least 60 credits obtained after 2 enrolments in the programme;
  • whether or not combined with a bridging or preparation programme, at least 120 credits obtained after 3 enrolments in the programme;
  • in addition, you must have obtained a 60-credit master’s degree after 2 enrolments and a 120-credit master’s degree after 3 enrolments in the programme. If this master’s programme is combined with a bridging programme or preparation programme of 30 or more credits, the period within which the student’s residence can be terminated is extended by one extra academic year.

For the calculation of the number of credits obtained, the new regulations only take account of:

1° credits obtained in the current study programme;

2° credits obtained from previous study programmes for which an exemption was granted in the current study programme;

Note! These new rules apply in addition to Hasselt University’s existing study progress measures. To be able to re-enrol, you must therefore comply with both the University’s study progress measures and the conditions set by the Immigration Service. However, the Immigration Service will take account of any study progress monitoring measures that have been imposed if a student or the educational institution is able to provide valid proof of them.

Changing programme

A non-EEA student can still change programme, but must do well in his or her second enrolment. Credits obtained in the student’s first enrolment in another programme are only included in the calculation to the extent that they entitle the student to an exemption in the new programme.

List of documents to be submitted for renewal of student residence permit

The Royal Decree lists the documents that the non-EEA student must submit with the application for the renewal of the residence permit, failing which the application will be deemed inadmissible:

  • Valid passport or equivalent travel document
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof participation exams (see student file: exam results)
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence in accordance with Article 60 of the Residence Law
  • 2 Mandatory standard documents to be completed by Hasselt University indicating:
    - for how many credits the student has already passed programme units during the previous academic year and how many credits the student has already acquired in total in the study programme
    - proof of registration for the programme and number of credits for the new academic year
    You can request this 2 standard documents via this Google form; you will need it in order to obtain your residence permit for the academic year 2023-2024 (We can only deliver this after you registered for the new academic year AND your study programme for the upcoming academic year has been approved.) 

If you have your residence in HASSELT: You can email these documents before your appointment to vreemdelingendienst@hasselt.be, mentioning your National identification number.


Health Care

If you are feeling too ill to function well, but aren't experiencing alarming symptoms, please contact a general doctor ("huisarts") first. Only if necessary, s/he will refer you to a specialist or the hospital.

The easiest way to find a doctor near you is via https://herkenrodehuisartsen.be/ik-zoek-een-huisarts/. Type your address next to "Wat is je adres" and consult the map.

A few extra options:
• Dr. B. Van den Berg, Patersplein 3, Diepenbeek, 011 23 50 01
• Dr. G. Lambrichts, Wijkstraat 11, Diepenbeek, 011 35 20 99
• Dr. P. Thoné, Vredestraat 4, 3500 Hasselt, 011 27 29 85 (General medical practice "Medicinae" close to Hasselt train/bus station)
• Dr. A. De Graaf, Thonissenlaan 35, Hasselt, 011 22 33 12

When you visit the doctor, please be clear about your health insurance. If you are registered at CM, you will only have to pay a low price. If you are registered at AON, you will have to pay full price, but make sure to ask the doctor for a form, so you can recuperate the cost.

Please note that it is normal that a regular doctor will not be able to see you the same day. If you want to see a doctor more urgently, you can call the week watch ("weekwacht") for appointments between 6 PM and 8 AM. You can reach them via 011 33 65 33 - Stadsomvaart 9, 3500 Hasselt (next to the Jessa Hospital).

• Dentist Luc Cosemans, Ganzebroekstraat 10, Diepenbeek, 011 32 18 01
• Dentist Chris Kruijen, Marktplein 38, Diepenbeek, 011 32 13 83
• Dentist-centre CMT, Luikersteenweg 232 b2, Hasselt, 011 28 45 45
• Dentist-centre Molaar, Maastrichtersteenweg 198/1, Hasselt, 011 76 28 68

Eye doctor:
• Dr. K. Noben, Stationsstraat 88, Diepenbeek, 011 33 11 22

• Virga Jesse Campus, Stadsomvaart 11, Hasselt, 011 33 55 11
• Salvator Campus, Salvatorstraat 20, Hasselt, 011 28 91 11

Urgent medical assistance:
• 112 (= international emergency number)

Medical assistance at night and during the weekend:
• Doctor: one central number: 011 33 65 33

Detox centre: (for all kinds of intoxication) +32 70 245 245

Expat Centre - Limburgers Worldwide

Expat Centre Limburg is the welcome desk for internationals such as expats and other skilled foreign talents living and or working in the Belgian province of Limburg. Expat Centre Limburg (welcome@expatcentrelimburg.com) helps and informs expats and their families so they can easily settle into their new living and working environment. As an international you can request information about your region, find out about events that are organized especially for the international community and join the growing community Limburgers Worldwide®.

Limburgers Worldwide
Limburgers Worldwide is a platform that connects people with ties to the Belgian province of Limburg across the globe. Whether they are expatriates, former residents, or simply have an affinity for Limburg, this network aims to foster connections and keep everyone informed with news and socio-economic developments related to the region, all served for free and fully in English. This reliable source of information and vibrant network is tailored for global citizens like yourself!
So, whether you’re savouring a stroopwafel in Amsterdam, enjoying the Statue of Liberty in New York, or reminiscing about the rolling hills of Limburg, Limburgers Worldwide keeps the Limburg spirit alive across continents!

Contact information

Who can help me when I have urgent questions or when I don’t know what to do?

The European Student Network (ESN) is an international student organization, represented at Hasselt University. If you have questions you rather want to ask to a colleague-student, you can always get in touch with them

    • Via messenger: www.facebook.com/esnhasselt
    • Via their facebook-group: ESN has a closed facebook group for international students of 2022-2023 (newcomers and 2-year master students are welcome).
    • Via Whatsapp: the link to the whatsapp chat can be found on the facebook group.