Lecture Nikolaas Vande Keere for Berkeley University of California

Nikolaas Vande Keere, coördinator of our International Master on Adaptive Reuse and member of the Trace Research Group, is currently teaching a seminar on contentious heritage at the Department of Architecture of UC Berkeley (US) as holder of the PP Rubens Chair.

On February 24th he holds an open lecture: "Unsettled Memories Turned To Stone"

24 februari 2022
21:00 - 22:00
ark_Berkeley Lecture Nikolaas Vande Keere ark_Berkeley Lecture Nikolaas Vande Keere

Dit event is reeds afgelopen

Unsettled Memories Turned to Stone

Speaker: Nikolaas Vande Keere, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Hasselt University

Moderator: Jeroen Dewulf, Director, Institute of European Studies

The current attention to contentious statues and monuments is an international phenomenon. In many countries, national symbols linked to colonialism or slavery are critically challenging heritage policy and management. Their artistic or historical value is often eclipsed by the perception of a negative iconographic role in present-day society. As symptoms of the historical construction of national identity, the sculptures are, however, only the tip of the iceberg. As expressions of propaganda, many buildings, sites, or other (tangible or intangible) heritage can just as well be labeled as contentious.

As the holder of the PP Rubens Chair at UC Berkeley in 2022, Nikolaas Vande Keere will present a lecture on contemporary iconoclasm and contentious colonial heritage in Belgium and abroad. He will place the debate into a broader perspective and extend the existing strategies for the statues to a museological and architectural context. To illustrate the potential of adaptive reuse in this field, he will present two research-by-design projects of colonial encounter in Belgium and Central Africa. How can adaptive reuse contribute to the (re-)construction of a (new) identity? How can we activate in a positive way the unsettled memories turned to stone?

  • The lecture starts at 12 PM local time, 21h00 Brussels time
  • Registration is free, but required
Register online
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