Sketch Atlas

The ‘Sketch Atlas’ (SA) is an innovative, online educational platform for blended learning with specialised video tutorials on the topic of architectural sketching (free hand design drawing). It embraces a complete didactic academic course, structured in three main learning modules: 1. Imaginative drawing, 2. Observational drawing, 3. Sketchbook stories. Unlike regular teaching books, the tutorials zoom in on the process of sketching in a very dynamic way.

The platform also hosts a feedback module that enables students and teachers to easily hand in and evaluate tasks.

SA is developed by the Faculty of Architecture and Arts and the Expertise centre for Digital Media of UHasselt.

Schetsatlas Schetsatlas


At Hasselt University, Sketch Atlas is integrated in the courses of first year bachelor students in architecture and interior architecture. This implementation has proven that SA helps students and teachers with acquiring and educating the necessary sketching skills.

The SA was applied both in a blended learning setting and in a complete e-learning mode in times of COVID lockdown.

The feedback module has proven its worth for teachers in evaluating students’ assignments in a straightforward and user-friendly way.

A final large scale and worldwide testing phase is currently enrolled.


The Sketch Atlas combines a video platform with over 8 hours of tutorials and a straightforward feedback module. It is under constant development and is regularly enriched with new tutorials.

  • Over 8 hours of tutorials in full HD
  • Available in Dutch and English
  • User-friendly web platform and search engine
  • Innovative feedback module
  • Complete pedagogical trajectory, systematically structured
  • Easy to implement in a learning management system
  • Available anywhere and anytime
  • Improves students’ learning curve
  • Supports teaching staff


In teaching sketching, the demonstrations by the teacher and repetition are essential. A regular teaching method, solely based on demonstrations by the teacher, involves several constraints, with a huge loss of accumulated knowledge.

The context of learning has also evolved a lot in the last few years. Teaching has become more international, and especially in the wake of COVID, more digital (blended learning, digitization,...). By combining digital media (video) and traditional methodological instruments, the SA contributes to educational innovation.

In the SA, the traditional “one-off” element is replaced by “repeatability”.
Students are able to watch the act of drawing over and over and at any time, place and through any medium. For teachers, the SA is a useful and consistent way to guide students (for example by redirecting them to a particular tutorial in case of a problem).

The SA has proven its worth in traditional education as well as in blended learning and e-learning settings.



UHasselt is looking for interested parties to set up a collaboration for commercialization of the Sketch Atlas and for universities that want to use Sketch Atlas.


dr. arch. Lieve Weytjens

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