
The Advanced Optical Microscopy Centre can help design, execute and troubleshoot your imaging experiments. Our team has theoretical and practical expertise in a broad selection of imaging methods and applications ranging from image correlation methods over super-resolution microscopy to functional live-tissue imaging. Our consultation services are open to everyone.

Sorenk Origsq Sorenk Origsq


The AOMC Publications spreadsheet lists (almost) all of the recent publications that made use of AOMC equipment.


Fluorescence microscopy image of a planaria. Nuclei shown in blue, nanoparticles in orange and the intestinal branches in magenta.

Live and fixed samples

At the AOMC, all microscopes are capable of imaging both live and fixed samples. However, each system (technique) has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making them more or less suited for different applications. Every microscope is equipped with an enclosing incubator and stage inserts that allow precise temperature and pH control for optimal sample conditions.

Lieselottel 2200X1240

Superresolution microscopy

The diffraction-limited nature of light microscopy does not always provide sufficient resolution to see all desired details. At the AOMC, multiple techniques are available to record images with improved (super) resolution. Each of these methods has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so they can be matched to almost any research question.

Samd Headoffish 2200X1240

Label-free imaging

It is not always required to label a sample with fluorophores in order to visualize it. Several structures and components can be imaged using label-free imaging techniques.


Diffusion and Binding

Biomolecules hide a wealth of information in the way they move about! We specialize in fluctuation spectroscopy methods for quantifying biomolecular diffusion and binding processes.



Biomolecules hide a wealth of information in the way they move about! We specialize in single-molecule methods for quantifying biomolecular structure and conformational dynamics.

Images Large Jp 2018 00108G 0007

Time-resolved fluorescence

Fluorophores hide a wealth of information in the way they fluoresce! We specialize in time-resolved methods for quantifying fluorescence lifetimes and anisotropy.

Dynamics Profiler User Interface Flow

Assymmetric Motion and Flow

Explore molecular motion beyond Brownian diffusion using array-based confocal detection.


Sam Duwé - AOMC

Agoralaan, Building C, 3590 Diepenbeek
Microscopy expert