Stay informed about closing days, activities, trial subscriptions, and the new databases, journals, and ebook packages in the University Library collection.
During the summer period, adjusted opening hours are in effect. Below you will find the specific holiday schedule for each sub-library.
As of 1 April 2024 students and faculty of Hasselt University have access to the full online journal portfolio (some 420 titles) published by Cambridge University Press.
As of 28 March the University Library offers on and off campus access to 18 law related titles from the Oxford University Press Very Short Introductions collection.
Elektron and the VLIR working group on RDM and Open Science jointly voice serious concerns regarding the recent implementation of the Article Development Charge model by the American Chemical Society.
Earlier this year, the shareholders of the legal database Jurisquare decided to discontinue the service via the platform. This means that for UHasselt, after the current license expires on January 5, 2024, lecturers, researchers, and students will no longer have access to this database.
As the minimum temperatures head towards zero, it's slowly becoming time for the coziest period of the year. On December 12th, StuRa and the University Library will fully immerse you in the atmosphere with a snug Christmas Movie Night in support of 'De Warmste Week'.
UHasselt will maintain full access to all journals in JSTOR and open-access e-books
Starting from the academic year 2023-2024 all employees and students of UHasselt can still become members of the BHL for free, but unlike previous years, this will no longer happen automatically.
The University Library is also enthusiastic about supporting the Sustainable Week. Starting from 8th May, you'll find our very own Book Exchange Cabinet in the photocopying area of the Campus Library.
In addition to the Emerald 120 offering, you can now access the journals from the e-journal package 'Emerald Business, Management & Strategy' through the University Library.
UHasselt recently acquired an online subscription to the Omnilegie database. The so-called 'blue codes (Blauwe Wetboeken) of Die Keure' serve as the foundation for this database.
The Research Data Management (RDM) policy plan of the University of Hasselt outlines a framework for all researchers to ensure the quality, availability, and accessibility of their research data. It provides a foundation to assess compliance with laws and regulations (such as GDPR) and ethical codes.