Prof. dr. Iuliu Sorin (Sorin) POP

Prof. dr. Iuliu Sorin (Sorin) POP

Over mezelf

Below you can find my research interest (of course, this is a dynamic list). You can find more about me, including my Cv and the complete list of publications, in the "spotlight". Please, check these spotlights for the complete and correct information, as the information displayed under "Supervised PhDs", "Publications", "Projects" is limited to my activity after I have moved to UHasselt, and is not even complete.

Partial differential equations:

  • Analysis: existence, uniqueness of weak solutions, qualitative properties, travelling waves
  • Upscaling: homogenization, multiple scales, asymptotic expansions, heterogeneous media, perforated media, rough boundaries
  • Numerical methods: convergence, error estimates, discretization (FEM/MFEM/DG, finite volumes), linearization schemes, domain decomposition


  • Flow in porous media: unsaturated, two-phase, non-standard models, dynamic capillarity
  • Reactive transport: adsorption, desorption, reactions, precipitation, dissolution
  • Media with variable porosity
  • Biofilm growth
  • Geothermal energy


Disciplinecodes: Benaderingen en uitbreidingen (01010202), Partiële differentiaalvergelijkingen (01010214), Vloeistofmechanica (01010305), Geofysica (01010307), Biologie en andere natuurwetenschappen (01010302), Numerieke analyse (01010901), Analytische aspecten en differentiaalvergelijkingen in de fysica (01030702), Computationele fysica (01039903), Nonlineaire wetenschappen (01039904), Andere aardwetenschappen niet elders geclassificeerd (01059999)

Begeleide doctoraten


Er zijn 12 onderzoeksprojecten gevonden


Betrokken bij de volgende opleidingsonderdelen

Academiejaar 2024 - 2025

Academiejaar 2023 - 2024

In de kijker